On the development of the Sustainable Development Strategy and Development Programme of the State of Rezekne and Rezekne
On 30 September 2021, the Rēzekne municipality took decisions on amendments to previously approved Council decisions relating to the development of the Rēzekne State and Rēzekne District Development Planning Documents – the development of sustainable development strategies by 2035 and the development of the development programme 2022-2028.
The decisions required clarifications and editorial corrections based on the amendments to the Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Places adopted by the Saeima on 1 June of that year, the contract concluded on 20 September 2021 of the Rēzekne State City Council and the agreement with the documents developers, where adjustments were made within the time period of the performance of the work. As well as on the basis of the mutual agreement of local governments, which was facilitated by a meeting organised by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development on 20 September 2021 in Rezekne, in which it was ensured that both local governments have a equal number of votes in the taking of documents necessary for the drafting of documents.
Development planning documents are planned to last until November 2022. A variety of activities involving public participation and involvement will be organised during development. The work will be organised in five thematic working groups (Education, Culture and Sport Working Group, Social Protection, Health and Safety Working Group, Working Group on Economic Development, Environment, Infrastructure and Mobility Working Group, Governance and Cooperation Working Group).
The municipality of Rezekne invites any interested party, including residents, entrepreneurs, representatives of the non-governmental sector, to apply for participation in working groups until 1 December. You can login electronically by sending an application to an e-mail address: info@rezeknesnovads.lv and writing to the municipality of Rezekne (release alley 95a, Rezekne, LV-4601), indicating your contact information and the desired working group.
We are invited to get acquainted with the decisions taken: