Meeting of the Financial Committee (25.05.2023)

Publicēts: 23.05.2023

Atjaunots: 30.05.2023

25 May 2023
(in Rezekne, at 11.10)

  1. On the continuation of employment legal relations with the Executive Director of the municipality, Jānis Trošku and the extension of the term of office for a period of five years.
  2. On the continuation of employment legal relations with Deputy Executive Director of the municipality, Andris Stafecki and extension of the term of office for five years.
  3. Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada domes 2022. gada 15. decembra lēmuma „Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestādes - Centrālā pārvalde - amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu” 1. pielikumā „Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības Centrālās pārvaldes amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts”.
  4. Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada domes 2022. gada 15. decembra lēmuma “Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības sociālo iestāžu amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu” 1. pielikumā “Daudzfunkcionālā sociālo pakalpojumu centra “Vecružina” amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts”.
  5. On the amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 19 January 2023 on the approval of the positions and monthly salaries of the municipal authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, the list of posts and monthly salaries of the “Dricānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne.
  6. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 19 January 2023 on the approval of the positions and monthly salaries of the municipal authorities of the municipality of Rezekne - the list of posts and monthly salaries of the “Kaunatas association of the municipality of Rezekne”, Annex 2.
  7. On the amendment of the position of the “Culture and Tourism Board” of the municipality of Rezekne and the list of monthly salaries.
  8. On the amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 19 January 2023 on the approval of the positions and monthly salaries of the municipal authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, the list of posts and monthly salaries of the “Maltas association of the municipality of Rezekne” in Annex 4.
  9. On the amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 19 January 2023 on the approval of the positions and monthly salaries of the municipal authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, the list of posts and monthly salaries of the “Nautrēnu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne.
  10. Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada domes 2022. gada 15. decembra lēmuma “ Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības sociālo iestāžu amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu” 2. pielikumā "Rēzeknes novada sociālās aprūpes centra amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts".
  11. Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada domes 2022. gada 15. decembra lēmuma “ Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības sociālo iestāžu amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu” 3. pielikumā "Veselības un sociālās aprūpes centra “Viļāni” amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts".
  12. Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada domes 2022. gada 15. decembra lēmuma “ Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības sociālo iestāžu amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu” 4. pielikumā "Rēzeknes novada Sociālā dienesta amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts".
  13. Par grozījumiem 2022. gada 15. decembra Rēzeknes novada domes lēmuma "Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāžu - Rēzeknes novada speciālās pamatskola un Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola - amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu" 1. pielikumā "Rēzeknes novada speciālās pamatskolas amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts".
  14. Par grozījumiem 2022. gada 15. decembra Rēzeknes novada domes lēmuma "Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības iestāžu - Rēzeknes novada speciālās pamatskola un Rēzeknes novada Sporta skola - amatu un mēnešalgu saraksta apstiprināšanu" 2. pielikumā "Rēzeknes novada Sporta skolas amatu un mēnešalgu saraksts".
  15. On the amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 19 January 2023 on the approval of the positions and monthly salaries of the municipal authorities of the municipality of Rezekne, the list of posts and monthly salaries of the “Viļānu Association Board” of the municipality of Rezekne.
  16. Par Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības 2022. gada publiskā pārskata apstiprināšanu.
  17. On the sale of the municipal estate “Kakrvieši s.”, Dricānu parish, in electronic auction with an upward step.
  18. On the sale of the municipal estate “arteries”, Griškānu parish, in electronic auction with an upward step.
  19. On the sale of the municipal estate “wood”, Mākoņkalna parish, in electronic auction with an upward step.
  20. On the sale of the municipal estate “rebel”, Nautrēnu parish, in electronic auction with an upward step.
  21. On the sale of immovable property “c .1 TP49T”, Lūznavas parish, space rental right for economic activity.
  22. For the economic activity of immovable property “c .1 TP49T”, Lūznavas parish, premises with shared premises.
  23. On the construction of the “training mechanical workshop” of the construction of the immovable property “Lūznavas maniža”, Lūznavas parish, a lease of premises for economic activity.
  24. On the registration of apartment properties in the Land Register.
  25. On consent to acquisition of immovable property IN I.R. property IN Ozolaines civil parish
  26. On the novation of the immovable property in Krasuha Street (…), Audiros, Audriņu parish rental contract for the provision of the activities of the family doctor.
  27. On the sale of immovable property in Krasuha Street (…), Audiros, Audriņu parish rental contract for the operation of the retail specialised store of pharmaceutical products.
  28. For the approval of the immovable property “…”, which is located in THE parish of Čornajas.
  29. On the approval of immovable property “…”, Ilzeskalna parish, notional price.
  30. On the approval of immovable property “…”, Nautrēnu parish, notional price.
  31. On the approval of the immovable property in the street (…), Viļānos, the approval of the notional price.
  32. On transfer OF immovable property “…”, Pušas parish, surrender I.P.
  33. On the transfer of an apartment property located in a building street (…), Viļānos, to be transferred TO F.A.
  34. For the transfer of immovable property located at Latgale Street (…), Viļāni, Rēzekne municipality, for disposal in N. Č.
  35. On the lease of an unbuilt unit of land, the conclusion of a lease contract with SIA “FR GROUP”.
  36. On the implementation of THE ERDF project “Viļānu music and art school new building energy efficiency”.
  37. Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada domes 2023. gada 20. aprīļa lēmumā “Par 2023. gada prioritārā investīciju projekta “Modernas, energoefektīvas sporta halles būvniecība” īstenošanu”.
  38. On the “dramatic collection of“ Raudive ”garments – mask acquisition” and the provision of initial financial contribution, prepayment from municipal resources.
  39. On co-financing and support project FOR the purchase of folklore set of folklore in People's suits and footwear.
  40. Information report on the lease option of THE Silmalas parish area clubs.
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