Rēzekne District Council meeting (04.06.2015)

Publicēts: 04.06.2015

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

  1. On the issue of the Law No 54 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 4 June 2015 on the issuance of social aid benefits in Rēzekne District
  2. On the amendment of the municipal council OF the municipality of Rezekne Lūznavas
  3. On the allocation of funds TO the parish administration OF Lūznavas due to the entry into service OF Lūznavas manor
  4. On amendments to the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 18 July 2013 “on the transfer of non-compensation to VAS“ Latvian National Radio and Television Centre ””
  5. On the consent of a limited liability company “AMBER REAL” in THE parish OF Maltas
  6. On the conclusion of a loan agreement with the association “Latvian Red Cross” IN Kaunatas civil parish
  7. On the issuance of a permit for commercial activities in fisheries SIA “riro” Tiskad Lake
  8. On the issuance of a permit for commercial activities in fisheries IN THE ZS “paradise island” in the Chernoste Lake
  9. On the allocation of the fishing nets of Lake Chernoste for commercial fishing for 2015
  10. On the approval of tariffs for utilities in parish Nagļu
  11. On the provision of water supply and sewerage services in the municipality of Rezekne Ozolaines
  12. On the approval of tariffs for sewerage services IN Lendžu parish Lendžu
  13. On amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 July 2011 “on the termination of land use rights for land units registered in the National Cadastre Information System OF the State in Dricānu civil parish”
  14. On amendments to the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 3 February 2011 “on the termination of the rights of use of land with cadastre designation (), (), () () IN parish Stoļerovas”
  15. On the approval of the land-use project A. B. immovable property IN parish Gaigalavas
  16. On the approval of the land-use project “new Dinamietis” for real estate in “mountain home” and SIA “HOLMS” for real estate “Artek” IN Kaunatas civil parish
  17. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax duty in a non-dispute order from D. D.
  18. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from A. V.
  19. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from A. K.
  20. On the recovery of overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from J.P.
  21. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from V. I.
  22. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from A. J.
  23. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from A. K.
  24. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from J. K.
  25. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from V. F.
  26. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from I. Z.
  27. On the recovery of the overdue immovable property tax payment in a non-dispute order from I. Š.
  28. In the case of a real estate located IN THE parish OF Bērzgales, Rezekne municipality, the recovery of tax payment is not subject to a dispute in accordance with the procedures of J. E.
  29. For the collection of immovable property located IN THE parish OF Bērzgales, Rezekne municipality, the recovery of tax payment in non-dispute order from A.E.
  30. On letting of living space IN R.L. Stružānu civil parish
  31. On letting the living room V. L. Stružānu civil parish
  32. On extension of the rental contract of the residential space V. T. Stružānu civil parish
  33. On the switching of the rental contract with A. K.Stružānu civil parish
  34. On termination of the rental contract with Z. S. Stružānu civil parish
  35. On the cancellation of the decision of the municipality of Rēzekne of 21 May 2015 “on the exchange of rented residential space against the parish of other rental spaces”
  36. On the exchange of rented residential space against other residential residential space IN A. V. Sturganu civil parish
  37. On the renewal of a social housing lease in D.E. Stružānu civil parish
  38. On the renewal of the social housing lease contract L.Stružānu civil parish
  39. On the renewal of the rental contract of a social apartment. L. Stružānu civil parish
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