Rēzekne District Council meeting (05.07.2018)

Publicēts: 04.07.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. On the dismissal of Viļi Tutin from THE office of the head of the parish administration OF Stružānu

2. On the dismissal of Mr Birutas Obermanes, Vice-President of the Orphan's Court OF Gaigalavas and on the election of Ilona Delveres, Member OF THE Orphan's Court, Gaigalavas

3. On the approval of the “bell” of a Kaunatas pre-school educational institution

4. On the approval of THE 1 TP50T pre-school educational institution “romance”

5. On the transfer of the immovable property “Lūznavas maniža building” boiler house and the transfer of movable property “boiler RK 1.6” to the municipality SIA “Maltas apartment-utility holding company”

6. On immovable property in Raznas Street 38, Kaunatā, Kaunatas parish, Rezekne municipality, lease of premises for the provision of massage service

7. On the lease of immovable property “mechanical workshop”, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality, premises of premises for economic activity

8. On the approval of the auction results of the municipality of the municipality of Rezekne (1) with cadastre No 7858 002 0126 Ilzeskalna parish

9. Regarding the sale of movable property belonging to the municipality of Rezekne – felling No. 173, No. 29, No. 30, No. 31, No. 32, No. 33 and No. 34, which is located in real estate with cadastre No. 7892 003 0064 Stoļerovas parish, sale in an oral auction with an upward auction of auction results

10. On the refusal to issue THE SIA “OXSALIS” permit for the operation of the second category shooting gallery IN THE parish OF Čornajas

11. On the registration of apartment property in 6-1, Sherjans, Stružānu parish, recording in Land Register

12. On the transfer of apartment property (address), Lendes, Lendžu parish A. I.

13. On Termination of Land Use Rights D. B. to land unit with cadastre designation 7862 002 0247 Kaunatas civil parish

14. On the merger of land units with cadastre designations 7862 006 0204, 7862 006 0226 in parish Kaunatas

15. On the termination of contract No 8-18/1134 of 5 March 2014 on the transfer of hunting rights to the hunter society “Čornaja” Čornajas parish and the conclusion of a new hunting contract with the hunter association “Čornaja” IN parish Čornajas

16. On the allocation of Lake Feimaņu fish nets for captive fishing for 2018

17. On the termination of the lease contract No 08/3-5 of 1 April 2000 with ZS “Christways” IN parish Pušas

18. On the issuance of a permit for the development of the sand deposit “Krupeniški” SIA “EVA Invest” in the municipality of Rēzekne Feimaņu

19. On the provision of a harmonisation of the status of an object of national interest for the military base “Lūznava”

20. On the renewal of a social housing lease

21. On the letting of a social apartment

22. On the sale of immovable property “small gardens”, Pušas civil parish, Rēzekne municipality, transfer of part to the association “Novus”


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