Rēzekne District Council meeting (06.09.2018)

Publicēts: 30.08.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

On the agenda:

1. On the transfer of apartments located in a youth street at 4, Luznava, Lūznavas parish, Rezekne municipality, transfer free of charge to the Latvian State Ministry of Defence

2. On amendments to the Order of the municipality of Rezekne of 21 June 2018 “Procedures for the establishment of the heads of office of the heads of educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne and the salary rates”

3. On the amendment of the decision of the Council of the Rēzekne municipality of 18 August 2016 “on the approval of the costs of educated catering in the educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne” in Annex No. 2 “average costs of the catering of classes 5-9 (5-12) (in one day) in the municipality of Rezekne municipality” and in Annex No. 1 “average cost of childcare of pre-school children (one day) in the educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne”

4. On the approval of the price list of services provided by the municipal social service of Rezekne

5. On the approval of the law of THE “Sprudzes” pre-school educational institution OF Griškānu

6. On the approval of the law of THE PRE-school educational institution OF Silmalas

7. On the dismissal of the Rēzekne Municipality Maltas, President of the Orphan's Court, Zinaida Shilov

8. On the property of the immovable property centre 1, Ilzeskalns, Ilzeskalna parish, Rezekne municipality, auction rights auction for economic activities, approval of auction results

9. On the “workshop” of the construction of the estate “Laucenes” in Beku village, Ozolaines parish, Rezekne municipality, lease of premises for the performance of economic activity

10. On the “mechanical workshop” OF immovable property IN the parish of Silmalas, Rezekne municipality, a lease of premises for economic activity

11. On land units intended for completion of land reform of the municipality of Rezekne, with cadastre designation 7888 008 0261 Silmalas parish lease right auction

12. On the alienation of the immovable property of the municipality of Rezekne, cadastre No. 7862 012 0404, located on a mountain street in 1, Dubuules, Kaunatas parish, Rezekne municipality, selling in an oral auction

13. On the sale of movable property – passenger bus TO ME FRH 422 – in an oral auction with an upward step IN THE parish OF Kaunatas

14. On the sale of movable property – tractor trailer ROU 6 – in an oral auction with an upward step IN THE parish OF Kaunatas

15. On the transfer of real estate “name” in Sheržans, Gaigalavas parish, for disposal A. P.

16. On the sale of immovable property in Krišjana baron street (address), Maltā, Maltas parish, transfer to L.K.

17. On an apartment property school street (address), in Stalerova, Stoļerovas parish, transfer for disposal IN I.A.

18. On the approval of the notional price of an apartment property “Freedom Street (address)” Maltas

19. On an apartment property in Raznas Street (address), Kaunatā, Kaunatas parish, conditional price approval

20. On consent to the acquisition of land O. B. property IN parish Griškānu

21. On consent to the acquisition of land in T. R. property IN Griškānu civil parish

22. On the exclusion of fixed assets from the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Ozolmuižas parish government balance and scrapping

23. Amending the Council Decision of 27 September 2007 entitled “Termination and lease authorisation” of the Council of the Republic of Rēzekne (Dricānu parish)

24. On the merger of land units with cadastre designations 7876 004 0060, 7876 004 0061, 7876 004 0062 IN parish Ozolaines

25. For the S. K. Examination of the application

26. On the letting of a social apartment

27. On the approval of the municipal waste management tariff IN parish Maltas

28. On the granting of financial resources to increase the equity capital of SIA “Maltas apartments - utility holding company”

29. On the allocation of financial resources to the municipality OF the municipality OF Rēzekne Kaunatas parish for the construction OF Kaunatas secondary school sports area

30. On the possibility of a working group on the capacity of the municipality of Rezekne to cooperate with other local governments in the provision of services

31. On the approval of the Rēzekne municipality competition “Rēzekne Municipality”

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