Rēzekne District Council meeting (17.05.2018)

Publicēts: 14.05.2018

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020

Agenda of the meeting of the Council

1. On the release of Vladimir Schmel from THE office of the Head of Administration OF Lūznavas

2. On the State Property Object – State Local Road v576 access route FOR Sakstagala station - Sakstagala parish, Rēzekne municipality, take-over in the municipal property without compensation

3. On the sale of movable property belonging to the municipality of Rezekne – felling No. 173, No 29, No. 30, No. 31, No. 32, No. 33 and No. 34, located in real estate with cadastre No. 7892 003 0064 Stoļerovas parish, sale in an oral auction with an upward step

4. On the recording of apartment properties in the Land Register

5. On the approval of the “name” OF the immovable property “name” Ozolaines

6. On the approval of a real estate (address), Rikava, Rikavas, notional price

7. On the approval of an apartment property (address), Rikava, Rikavas parish, notional price

8. On the approval of the notional price of the immovable property “name” Silmalas

9. On the transfer of real estate “name” Čornajas parish to divestment R. A.

10. The “name” OF the property “name” Stoļerovas for the disposal of parish A. S.

11. On the transfer of apartment property (address), Chornais, Čornajas parish, for disposal A. N.

12. On the amendment of the decision of the Rēzekne municipality council of 18 August 2016 “on the approval of the costs of educated catering in the educational institutions of the municipality of Rezekne” in Annex No. 1 “average cost of childcare of pre-school children (one day) in the municipality of Rezekne municipality”

13. On the write-off of the non-hopeless debtor debt in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Čornajas

14. A reduction in pay A. M. on land granted in parish Ilzeskalna

15. On the reduction of pay in H. K. on land-owned land IN parish Silmalas

16. On the correction of the clerical error in the decision of the Rēzekne District Council of 29 December 2009 (Protocol No 18, § 27) “on the land units of the municipality of Rezekne and the land units owned and not built by the State, the State-owned and non-built land units and land use for the completion of land reform” in the list No 7 Griškānu civil parish

17. On the approval of a land application project for immovable property “name” IN Dricānu civil parish

18. On the amendment of the rural lease contract No 129 of 27 December 2013 with A. T. Mākoņkalna civil parish

19. On the deletion of real estate tax debt for the estate “Ismer Old Believers” IN Lūznavas civil parish

20. On deletion of real estate tax debt

21. On the letting of a social apartment

22. On the renewal of a social housing lease

23. On the agreement on the amendment of the Cooperation Agreement of 24 May 2017 with SIA “VLAKON”

24. On the taking of a loan for the project “Establishment of a network of industrial territories for the promotion of entrepreneurship in the municipality of Rezekne, Rezekne and Viļānu”

25. On the taking-up of a loan for construction “realization of the construction project of the 1 st round of the sports area” IN Kaunatas civil parish

26. On the taking of a loan on the implementation of the priority investment project “Building Freedom Street 6, Maltā, Simplified Rehabilitation” specified by the municipality

27. On the allocation of funds from unforeseen cases to the relocation/conversion services of electrical installations

28. On the award of paid annual leave and unused supplementary leave to the Chairperson of the municipality of Rezekne

29. On activities – to place the waste recovery facility in the ownership of SIA “Elliss Holding” with conditions – suspension of the permit

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