Rēzekne District Council meeting (20.06.2019)

Publicēts: 25.06.2019

Atjaunots: 29.10.2020


1. Regarding the clarification of the binding Regulation No. 39 of the municipality of Rezekne of 2 May 2019 “Amendments to the binding Regulation No. 54 of the municipality of Rezekne of 4 June 2015 on social aid and other municipal benefits in Rezekne municipality”

2. On the submission, evaluation and approval of applications for the submission, evaluation and authorisation of positions of order

3. On the procedures by which an employee reports on alleged violations and corrupt activities in the municipality of Rezekne and in what way the approval of gifts/bribes is performed

4. On the guidelines on the recovery of debts from debtors in the municipality of Rezekne

5. Amending Regulation No 5 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 15 September 2011 on the procedures for granting industrial fishing limits in the municipality of Rezekne

6. On the authorisation to organise licensed amateur fishing – fishing in Rušona Lake

7. Amending the decision of the Rēzekne municipality of 6 June 2019 “on the acceptance of the construction of the Rēzekne Southern Way”

8. On the “parish building” of immovable property, Gornica, Silmalas parish, Rezekne municipality, auction rights auction for commercial activities

9. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7876 002 0306 part Ozolaines parish lease right auction

10. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7888 003 0118 Part Silmalas parish rental right auction

11. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0089 Stružānu parish rental right auction

12. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0217 Stružānu parish rental right auction

13. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0247 Stružānu parish lease

14. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0390 Stružānu parish lease

15. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0392 Stružānu parish rental right auction

16. On non-built land units with cadastre designation 7894 002 0397 Stružānu parish rental right auction

17. On the lease of the land unit “Zalkite” of the reserve land fund with cadastre designation 7846 007 0236 in parish Čornajas

18. On the completion of an unbuilt land reform land unit with a cadastre designation 7844 004 0153 Parts Bērzgales parish lease

19. On land units intended for completion of the unbuilt land reform with cadastre designation 7888 012 0358 Silmalas parish lease right auction

20. On consent to the acquisition of land in the municipality of Alexandra Čerkassa Griškānu

21. Amending THE Council Decision of 30 January 2007 “on the transfer of land owned by the municipality without remuneration”, as amended BY Bērzgales parish

22. On the transfer of movable property — trailer MMZ-771 and trailer PRT-10 for disposal and sale at free price IN Vērēmu civil parish

23. On the movable property belonging to the municipality of Rezekne – felling No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 and No. 7, in the land unit with cadastre designation 7892 001 0024, located in the parish of “Nordas” Stoļerovas, in an oral auction with an upward step

24. On the recording of apartment properties in the Land Register

25. On the approval of the notional price of apartment property No (), peace street 19, Sherjans, Stružānu parish

26. On the approval of the notional price of apartment property No (), peace street 19, Sherjans, Stružānu parish

27. On the transfer of apartment property No. () in Gardens Street, Lendes, Lendžu parish, for disposal A. N.

28. On the transfer of apartment property No. () in Gardens Street, Lendes, Lendžu parish, to alienation M. D.

29. On the transfer of apartment property No. () in Gardens Street, Lendes, Lendžu parish, to alienation K. S.

30. On the transfer of apartment property No. () in Gardens Street, Lendes, Lendžu parish, for disposal J. K.

31. On disposals of apartment property No. () in rug street 1, Lendes, Lendžu parish. B.

32. On the transfer of apartment property No (), “flame”, Nautrēnu parish to divestment I. V.

33. On the transfer of apartment property No (), “school”, Nautrēnu parish. S.

34. On transfer of immovable property () Ozolmuižas parish to alienation H. Š.

35. On the transfer of apartment property No (), river street 2, Rikava, Rikavas parish to alienation I. I.

36. On disposals of apartment property No (), lakes street 6, Sondoros, Vērēmu parish. V.

37. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Čornajas parish administration”

38. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Dricānu parish administration”

39. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Gaigalavas parish administration”

40. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Kantinieku parish administration”

41. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit “Nagļu civil parish”

42. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Ozolmuižas parish administration”

43. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Rikavas parish administration”

44. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Sakstagala parish administration”

45. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Stružānu parish administration”

46. On the approval of service charges in the municipality unit of Rezekne “Vērēmu parish administration”

47. On the recognition of certain decisions of the Rēzekne council as null and void

48. On the establishment of an intermediate status for land units with cadastre designations 7858 006 0450, 7858 005 0339, 7858 005 0365 Ilzeskalna civil parish

49. On the approval of a land survey project for immovable property “Krupeņiksaj” IN parish Audriņu

50. On the approval of the land-use project for the real estate “POPOV HOME” IN Audriņu civil parish

51. On the approval of a land-use project for immovable property “mountain roses” IN parish Čornajas

52. On the approval of the land-use project for the real estate “Vingust” and “shalkas 3” IN Griškānu civil parish

53. On the extension of the Term Lease Agreement No 6.1/14 of 24 April 2014 and the new version of the Land Rental Agreement

54. On the extension of the Term Lease Agreement No 6.1/16 of 30 April 2014 and the new version of the Land Rental Agreement

55. On the extension of the Term Lease Agreement No 6.1/17 of 30 April 2014 and the redrafting of the Land Rental Agreement

56. On the extension of the Term Lease Agreement No 19 of 6 May 2014 and the announcement of the Land Rental Agreement in a new version

57. On the issuance of a permit for the development of “Kofelniki - 2” sands in SIA “ROADS AND BRIDGES” in the municipality of Rezekne (Lūznavas civil parish)

58. On the amendment of the Hunting Law No 8-18/1133 of 5 June 2014 and a new version of the hunting rights contract with the hunter association “dyspnoea” Audriņu

59. On the amendment of the Hunting Law No 8-18/1133 of 5 June 2014 and a new version of the hunting rights contract with the hunter association “dyspnoea” Ozolmuižas

60. On the amendment of the Hunting Law No 8-18/1133 of 5 June 2014 and the “dyspnoea” OF the hunting rights contract with the hunter association “dyspnoea” IN a new version

61. On the extension of the rental contract of the service apartment V. D. Maltas civil parish

62. Regarding the recognition of the rental rights of the residential space V. P. Maltas civil parish

63. On the letting of a social apartment

64. On the renewal of a social housing lease

65. On the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with SIA “Park house” IN Lūznavas civil parish

66. On the approval of the results of the auction of real estate brothers Skrindu Street 2A, Rezekne

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