Possibilities of registration of marriages in the municipality of Rezekne

The marriage is a beautiful moment, followed by a long lifetime. Every new couple wants the marriage ceremony to be a very special moment, emotional, exciting and reproducible. The Rēzekne District Registry compiled information on the possibilities of registration of marriages that may be useful for the new spouses.

In the case of couples who opt for their matrimonial place in the Registry office, outside the General Registry office or church, taking the passport or ID card, to go to the General Registry office, a submission to be made not earlier than six months and no later than a month before the date of the desired celebration shall be paid by the State of registration of the marriage in the amount of EUR 14.00, and the marriage may take place.

Full-time Latvian citizens or adult non-citizens of Latvia may also submit a submission regarding entering into a marriage by electronic means, sending it to the official e-mail address of the General Registry office in which the marriage is sought, if the submission has been signed by both persons with a secure electronic signature and has a time stamp.

Entering into marriages at the premises of the General Registry Office

The conclusion of marriages in the premises of the Registry office shall be registered without formal ceremony and without guests, only in the presence of two adult witnesses, in a applied atmosphere: in the office.  The State fee of eur 14,00 MUST be paid, the municipal fee is not payable.

Office of the General Registry Office in Rezekne

Svinīga laulību reģistrācija Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības zālē Rēzeknē

Ja jaunlaulātie vēlas slēgt laulību, nodrošinot svinīgu ceremoniju, tad var izvēlēties Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā esošo zāli vai  Viļānu apvienības pārvaldē existing grass. The hall is prepared for registration of marriages - candles, flowers, music.
Laulību reģistrācijas izmaksas ietver: valsts nodeva 14,00 EUR, laulību reģistrācija svinīgos apstākļos  21,34 EUR, citu administratīvo teritoriju iedzīvotājiem svinīga laulību ceremonija  maksās 28,46 EUR. Maksu par svinīgu laulību reģistrāciju nosaka katra pašvaldība individuāli, pamatojot to ar izdevumu tāmi, kas ietver šos izdevumus un šī pakalpojuma izmaksas tiek apstiprinātas ar domes sēdes lēmumu.

Marriage ceremony outside the premises of the General Registry Office

The place of ceremony is one of the first and also most important choices in the planning of wedding. The number of couples who choose to marry outside the premises of the Registry office is increasing, in free nature or in another suitable place.
At present, the law allows the registration of marriages to take place in various wedding ceremonies outside the premises of the General Registry Office, if persons who wish to enter into a marriage ensure the conditions appropriate for registration of marriages. They may be both guest houses, manors, other facilities suitable for this event, as well as places in free nature.

The most popular places in Rezekne municipality, where the new spouses choose to organise a solemn marriage ceremony:

Lūznavas Manor, Lūznavas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, tel. 28686863

Viesu māja "Zaļā sala", Griškānu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, tālr. 29373015

Viesu māja "Ezerkrasti", Čornajas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, tālr. 26411207

Viesu nams "Pērtnieki", Sakstagala pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, tālr. 26334535


Viesu nams "Azarkrosti", Vērēmu pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, tālr. 29430536

"Kalēji", Ozolmuižas pagasts, Rēzeknes novads, tār. 26405369

Sarkaņkalns, Vērēmu civil parish, Rezekne municipality, tel. 29389717

Viesu nams "Saules sēta", Rēzeknes novads, Lazdinieki, Dekšāres pagasts,  tālr. 26111974

The Registrar of Rezekne shall be married only in the administrative territory of his or her municipality - in the municipality of Rezekne. The registration of marriages outside the General Registry office may take place after a couple's choice on any working day and on a Saturday, in agreement between the place and the time acceptable for both parties. 

Izbraukuma ceremonijas maksa ir vienāda kā attiecīgās teritorijas iedzīvotājiem, tā arī citu pašvaldību iedzīvotājiem, kas apstiprināta Rēzeknes novada  pašvaldības  cenrādī, un tā  ir 30 EUR, bet Lūznavas muižā - 25 EUR. Izbraukuma ceremonijai jaunais pāris maksā par sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem pēc attiecīgās dzimtsarakstu nodaļas cenrāža, kurā neietilpst attiecīgās vietas nomas vai ieejas maksa.

The performance ceremony for the design of the selected site, the musical security and other details shall be delivered to the new couple. An official of the General Registry Office shall be transferred to the new spouses only with documents and a position mark.

In the marital church

If the registration of a marriage in a Registry office is not what is dreamed, then it is possible to choose  marriage ceremony in church.

If persons wish to enter into a marriage not in the court of the country in which they submitted the application, but at the clerk, the General Registry office, in which the submission regarding the conclusion of the marriage has been submitted, shall issue a statement regarding the examination of the documents necessary for entering into the marriage. The certificate shall be valid for six months. 

Izziņas izmaksas tiek noteiktas saskaņā ar pašvaldības tarifu – 2,50 EUR.

Churches the choice is, of course, linked to a couple's affiliation to a particular confession, so it is worth getting acquainted with the requirements of the confession and the various nuances regarding the registration of marriages. During the ceremony, the church also gives birth certificate.

It's good to remember!

  • Persons who wish to enter into a marriage shall, in person, submit to the General Registry office a joint submission of the two signatures of the sample. When submitting a submission in person, a valid personal identification document shall be presented.
  • Full-time Latvian citizens or adult non-citizens of Latvia may also submit a submission regarding entering into a marriage in the same Registry office in which a marriage is sought, if the submission is signed with a secure electronic signature and has a time stamp.
  • If a marriage is concluded and as a result of a marriage changed uzvārds (enter the name of the spouse in the name of the other spouse or the name of the spouse), the identity document becomes operational and is not valid for travel and must be changed. 
  • If a surname is changed, the wedding trip abroad will not be able to leave immediately after the marriage.
  • The rings, by marriage, may not be.
  • The General Registry Office shall not divide the marriage by sworn notaries and courts.
  • A marriage can be closed without a limited number of times.
  • The marriage shall be registered on a day-to-day basis, in the presence of persons who wish to enter into marriage and two adult witnesses.
  • The ceremony of solemn marriage lasts for about 30 minutes.
  • Both the new couple and witnesses must be accompanied by a personal identification document on their marriage ceremony.
  • If a person who wishes to be married is a minor, a written permit of the parents or guardians of the minor or the relevant Orphan's court shall be appended to the submission.
  • Forbidden marriage before reaching the age of eighteen. In exceptional cases, the consent of parents or guardians may be made by a person who has reached the age of sixteen if the marriage is concluded with a full-time person.

Ja rodas jautājumi, zvaniet uz tālr. 64607178 atbildēsim  uz jautājumiem un centīsimies Jūsu vissvarīgāko dienu padarīt neaizmirstamu!

Maria Decsne, Head of the Rēzekne District Office

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