Culture and tourism

The municipality of Rezekne is rich in traditions, cultural and historical heritage, crafts, artistic activities and cultural developments, which saves traditional with modern. On the other hand, the lakes, rivers, rivers and ̌ protected by the River i and kra ̌ n ̧ as natural landscapes provide an opportunity to develop the tourism sector.

Cultural events, which have been particularly visited and become a tradition for the people and guests of Rezekne District, are “Rēzekne Municipality Day”, “Latgale Podnieku Days”, “Art Picnic” and “Cadricolic ball” IN Lūznavas manor, “Zveyniexmas” in Nagles, Peter Jurciņš Remembrance event “Peterdina Rogovka”, amateur festival “Lubana Vilnius” in Gaigalava, “Volkenberg Castle festival in Makoņkalns”, “Volkenberg Castle festival“ O, bobka! ”and others.

The cultural infrastructure of Rezekne is composed of 32 cultural centres and Lūznavas manor complex, 28 parish libraries and 4 national accredited museums. A Maltas music school, Viļānu music and art school is active in the municipality. The cultural institutions of Latvia have a wide and varied representation of the People's art – 6 choirs, 9 children and 12 adult people's dance collectors, 5 children and 20 adult dramatic collectors, 3 children and 15 adult folklore pools, 2 blower orchestra, 1 saxonist quartet, 3 rural chapels, 6 children and 25 adult vocal ensembles and many more collectively. People's fiction masters – woodlanders, sculptors, puppies, weavers and leather-handling masters, ceramics – provide not only aesthetic pleasure, but also promote the skills of ancient positions. The most widely represented is pottery - ceramics have been merged into two applied art studios – the People's applied art studio “Rēzekne county puzzles” and the ceramic set — Traditaloud Zineibu turanuoju bedreib “Pudnamku sholl”.

Since March 1, 2023, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the municipality of Rezekne has started work.

The purpose of the management activity is to provide a wide range of cultural offers and opportunities for citizens to participate in cultural life, to promote the preservation of cultural heritage in the territory of the local government and to provide support for cultural developments, as well as to promote the implementation of tourism and related business, territory marketing and branding, and development policy in the local government, to promote tourism opportunities in the municipality of Rezekne and to promote cultural education in the field of tourism.



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In memoriam. Jānis Pīgoznis (20.07.1943.–07.10.2024.)

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