The “Latvian School Finish” programme offers to be acquainted with
exhibition house “Free State treasure house” in Rezekne


Latvian School Case

   On 26 April, a study trip to the exhibition house “Free State treasure house” in Rezekne was organised under the PROJECT “Latvian School Finish” AT THE Feimaņu primary school students.

   The exhibition house “Free State treasure house” is a new cultural site in Rezekne, located on 5 August 2022, located at the foot of the Rēzekne Castle. There are real historical treasures in that survey - Latvian state awards (ornaments, medals, honorary signs), swords, military formastics etc. historical evidence from Latvian and foreign private collections, which describe the period from 1918-1940. A separate part of the exhibition is dedicated to Latvian riflemen. The pupils surveyed all the main exhibitions of the exhibition house with a genuine interest.

   In the gallery of the second floor of the house, pupils surveyed the fireplace clocks which were held by private collectors for the exhibition. Most of the clocks were made in Francijā at the beginning of the s, because the fireplace clocks were regarded as luxury.

   The pupils' comments on the visit of the exhibition house “free state treasure house” wrote that an interesting exhibit was the Rēzekne Mayor's office, that it was a good chance to perform virtually in digital stalls, see sword, awards, and, sitting on the terrace, watch Rēzekne Castle ruins.

Thanks to the offer of the “Latvian School Finish”, the head of the exhibition house “Free State treasure house”, Jolanta Leitne, on the interesting and exciting narrative that did not give the pupils boring.

The information was prepared by the teacher Maria Smirnova

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