Improvement of the project “improvement of municipal road infrastructure in Rezekne municipality, 1 st round”
On 4 September 2019, the municipality of Rēzekne adopted the completion of construction works for motorway No 8814 Hatki – Pustinka and No 8816 Hatki – Bodrovka1 (3.831 km) in the municipality of Rēzekne in Silmalas parish, which was rebuilt under project No 17-01-a00702-000052 “Improvement of municipal road infrastructure in Rēzekne municipality, 1 st round”. Documents are currently being sorted so that this municipal road can be put into service and report to the Rural Support Service (LAD).
Road No 8814 Hatki – Pustinka and No 8816 Hatki – Bodrovka1 is one of three projects of project No 17-01-a00702-000052 “Improving the municipal road infrastructure in Rēzekne District, 1 st round”, whose reconstruction was not initially completed within the prescribed PERIOD of LAD, as the object as completed on 1 August 2019 was not accepted. The municipality asked FOR an extension of the PART of THE LAD project and planned TO submit all the documentation related to the project in the month of October of that year. I recall that the reconstruction of that road was carried out by “roads and bridges” and the construction of the facility IN SIA “KEM”. In accordance with the contract of a builder, the term of guarantee of a building object shall be sixty months or five years from the acceptance into service of a building object.
The implementation of project No 17-01-a00702-000052 “Improving the municipal road infrastructure in Rēzekne municipality, 1 st round” was launched in spring 2018 with the aim of improving the quality of the gravel roads of the municipality of Rezekne for the promotion of rural business and ensuring the reach of the local population, as part of which three reconstruction of the municipalities of Rezekne municipality was carried out: road No 4629 Čornaja – black Dukstigal 1 st layer, 1. 800 km of Rēzekne municipality, motorway No 5611 Chapkova – Geikina 1,157 km Rēzekne municipality, and motorway No 8814 Hatki – Bodrovka1 3.831 km in the municipality OF Rēzekne and No 8814 Hatki – Bodrovka1 3.831 km in the municipality OF Rēzekne and No 8814 Hatki – Bodrovka1 3.831 km in Rēzekne municipality.
The actual eligible costs of the third part of the project (Road No 8814 Hatki – Pustinka and No 8816 Hatki – Bodrovka1) are EUR 558 046,03, public funding – 502 241,43 EURO.
Project Manager Inga Zapane
Support Ministry and Rural Support Service
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