85 thousand zandars will be placed in the Razna Lake

On October 18, the Razna Lake, Čornajas parish in Tilies, would be placed in 85 thousand zandars juveniles. Fish has been purchased within the framework of the Latvian Fish Fund project “Razna Lake Fish Stocks”. The supply of juvenile juveniles in accordance with procurement is provided BY SIA “VLAKON”. The purpose of the project is to supplement the fish resources of Lake Razna.
The zandarti was last released in 2005 when the lake fish stock was supplemented by 100 thousand juveniles.
The Razna lake is a public lake where the total limit of fishing nets according to legislation is set at 17 175 metres, so the municipality of Rezekne is issued annually in accordance with the laws and regulations in force for commercial activities in fisheries and divides industrial fishing limits (commercial and self-consumption). This year, 19 companies have been licensed for fishing in Razna Lake, as the Lake of Lake is a significant source of livelihoods.
The total amount of the project is EUR 32 912.00 with VAT (Eur 7000,00 AND municipal co-financing OF EUR 25 712.00 and the co-financing OF the Razna National Park Society EUR 200,00 respectively). The design of the project is supported by the regional administration of the Nature Protection Administration Latgale. Projects for the total amount OF EUR 110 812.85 have been implemented in the territory of Rezekne municipality with support from the Latvian Fish Fund from 2010-2018.
Lake Razna is located in the territory OF Rēzekne Čornajas, Kaunatas and Mākoņkalna parish. Razna Lake is also called Latgale Sea, as it is the largest lake in Latvia by volume of water, the second largest by territory (57.56 square kilometres). There are 10 islands in the Razna Lake with a total area of 24,6 ha, the largest in the round island, the island of apparel (large island), the high island, the lakes. To protect the unique environment and landscape of the Lake Razna Lake and its surroundings, the Razna National Park was established in 2007.
The information was prepared by:
Theresia's cross,
Senior Environmental Protection Officer of the municipality of Rezekne
Photo from Rēzekne municipality archive