Postponed free prostate health check for men in Rēzekne municipality of Chornajas civil parish

Due to influenza epidemic the free urologist consultation, which was scheduled for February 21, was conducted by Rēzekne in Chornie, Dr. Christine Taukun. In the closest further visits to Latgale and elsewhere in Latvia will be reported in weeks. The hard statistics show that Latvian men continue to die from diseases that can be successfully treated in modern medicine. In 2013, 368 men died in Latvia with prostate cancer, while it was diagnosed in 814 young patients. More than half of the urological cases detected in 2013 were fixed in Latvian regions, of which 15% or 146 cases were registered in Latgale.
Specialist exits are organised in close cooperation with the Latvian Association of Rural Family Doctors, THE MFD Health Group and THE SIA “Arbor Medical Corporation”, and during these time men will have the opportunity to receive Urologist advice free of charge, as well as to perform examinations of prostatic health.
“Statistics and medical experience show that too many men in Latvia have regular analyses and medical visits. In order to open the prostate cancer in time, from the age of 50, any man should regularly go to the urologist for inspections, so the availability of medical treatment institutions and professionals in regions is of particular importance. Urologi is available in Riga, Liepaja and Valmiera, but one urologist or no one is practised elsewhere. Similarly, not all patients can afford to pay all the expenses of the investigation, including travel expenses,” says urologist, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor and President of the Latvian Urologists Association Egils Vjaters.
"What are the reasons that men don't go to the urologist? They're impatient and don't want to wait in the line. Hopes that the complaints will be in the same way. Many do not want to spend the poor family budget for their needs. Others work so much that they don't find time to consult their doctor. If a man is lonely, he is not visited by children and grandchildren, the motivation to take care of his health is very low. Of course, there is also a role of Urologists, which is a serious problem in the regions of Latvia,” says the urologist Atis carulis.
The regional visits will continue throughout 2015 in all regions of Latvia, so anyone who would like to receive a specialist advice may refer to a family doctor who will contact the counselling advisers of regional exits and, as far as possible, ensure the visit of the urologist in other cities of Latvia.
For additional information:
Christine Bambe
T: 26316077

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