The municipality of Rezekne has implemented a project on Razna lake fisheries research

At the Council meeting of 26 April 2019, the project “Razna lake fisheries characterisation and recommendations for the further management of lake resources” were supported by a total amount of EUR 8 500,00 (from which the funding of the Latvian Fish Fund – 6 300,00 EURO, the municipalities of Rezekne municipality - 2000,00 EURO, the project partner – the association “Razna fisherman” - 200,00 EUR).
The project analysed the fishing exploitation of Razna Lake, the overall characterisation of fish stocks, the analysis of catch data, the analysis of eel stocks. The performance of eel biological analyses (length, weight, age) 100 down migratory eels (eel mum in Rēzekne river between Razna and Kaunatas lakes) was organised. 30 eels were subjected to the assessment of chemical quality analysis and spawning capacity based on these analyses. The analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and heavy metals (Pb, CDs, Hg, Cu, Zn, as) was performed, as well as the effects of parasite Anguicolla crassus on eel health. Recommendations for the future management of Razna Lake Resources.
The study was carried out by the Scientific Institute for Food Safety, Animal Health and the Environment “BIOR”.
The study text can be found here:
The head of the project manager Theresia,
Tel. 646 07195
Photo - Jānis kupra