Implementation of the project “Developing the rules for the exploitation of Lake Lake”

The “Dricānu parish association” of the municipality of Rezekne has implemented the project “Developing the rules for the exploitation of Lake Lake”.
THE Scientific Institute for Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment, BIOR, developed the rules for the exploitation of fish in the Rēzekne municipality in the month of August.
The implementation of the project will contribute to the protection of fish resources in the St. Lake and the sustainable exploitation of fisheries.
The saint lake is located in the territory OF the municipality OF Rezekne in THE territory OF Gaigalavas parish. The implementation of the project will contribute to the preservation of the natural values (i.e. fish) of the St. Lake and its useful management.
The main beneficiaries of the implementation of the project will be local residents living in the banks of the Lake of St. Lake, fishermen, because the rules for the use of lake fisheries developed within the framework of the project will serve as a basis for the long-term use of the lake in the future, providing regular measures for the restoration of fish resources. Since the lake is located in the territory OF Rēzekne Municipality Gaigalavas parish, then as direct, in the event of project implementation, the beneficiaries can be considered TO BE the 884 population of THE Gaigalavas parish. On the other hand, the indirect beneficiaries will be all 27 500 residents of Rezekne, as its smart and sustainable use is an integral part of the whole country as well as the municipality.
At the Council meeting of 26 April 2019, the project “Developing the rules for the exploitation of Lake Lake” was supported.
The total cost of the project is EUR 753.00 (from which the funding of the Latvian Fish Fund – 703.00 EURO, the municipality of Rezekne) IS Dricānu parish association – 50.00 EURO.
More information:
Gaigalavas and Nagļu parish management manager Valentine Puste, tel. 26334750