Representatives of the municipality of Rezekne took part in an international conference in Strasbourg

Between 26 and 28 September in Strasbourg, France, the International Conference on “Disruptions for the Integration of Persons in Society” was held within the framework of the project CRISCO (Europe for Citizens). The project includes representatives of ten European countries, including representatives of the Rezekne municipality, to contribute to the involvement of groups of disabled people, other confessions and nationalities, in the form of a monolithic society through the project. The Rēzekne District was represented by external communications specialist Inta Rimšāne, public relations specialist Diana Selecka, Griškānu parish youth affairs specialist Igors Isupovs, UTAC leader Agnese Ceirule, and Leocadia Razgale, head of the Cyrus Cultural House.
L.razgale admitted that this type of project took place for the first time: 'very much liked the fact that we were taught to think, analyze, act practically, not afraid to express my opinion. It was a great opportunity to explore other members of the project, to find new members. We had a very good, knowledgeable and disciplined working group that was honoured with the tasks and activities in which they had to take part, to express their opinions, to find a possible solution to it or to another problem. We have been able to demonstrate that Latvia is also prepared to do much so that the subject-matter of the project (in this case, prejudices in society) is addressed positively and with a creative approach.
The experience gained will certainly be used in my work, as prejudices in society are not just a global problem. We have a lot of prejudices, which affect the local community, even in the parish (even if it is a prestige that a gypsy representative is being seen in the store, certainly tighter in the hands of Mack, and in no case can it be seen in the gypsy's eyes). There are internal prejudices when a person thinks that his opinion or dability will never change anything in a solution to a problem.
The project enables each of us to participate in processes that change thinking, attitudes, and hence the quality of life. We can do something when the acquirer is not only a particular dealer but society as a whole. '
Mr Isupov was also pleased with the experience gained: “it was a great opportunity to draw new ideas to young people, lay the foundations for future cooperation with European organisations. I very much liked the opportunities offered during the project to work in mixed groups (one member involved in each of the groups involved in the project), which gave the opportunity to learn more of the experience of other countries in social work. Participation in these types of projects broadens the vision of addressing various social problems."
The next project conference, with representatives of Rezekne District, will be held in January 2019 in Denmark and its subject will be “language barrier - barrier integration”.
Diana Selecka
D.seleckas, I.Isupova, L.Razgales photo