Rēzekne municipality specialists are active in European Union programmes



European Union (EU) fund projects – this is a great opportunity not only to see the world but also to improve the infrastructure in the home municipality. It is also known by the staff of the Regional Development Planning Unit of Rezekne, under which over 20 million euros have been spent over the past six years. The possibilities of the Funds have been exploited by restoring many areas of the municipality, for example by improving road infrastructure IN Dricānu, Nautrēnu, Kaunatas and Maltas parish association, investing more than eur 14 million.

On the other hand, the implementation of the EU programmes “Creative Europe”, “Erasmus +”, “URBACT”, “Europe for Citizens”, “INTERREG” and other programmes for more than €1.3 million were used to implement international projects.

The people of Rezekne municipality – representatives of various professions, as well as pupils – have gained experience at local governments in Greece, France, Holland, Cyprus, Ireland, Poland, Spain, Norway, Sweden etc. As a result of cooperation projects, international musical concerts, digital art exhibitions, technology masters, seminars and other events were organised. Project participants emphasize that experience sharing visits and common events allow you to explore new cultures, people and places, look at life differently and more creatively. For example, Lūznavas Manor Exposure, which was nominated “Latvian Architecture Annual White 2022” is a theme of THE INTERREG programme “following engineering ideas”.

As a main benefit project, participants emphasize the opportunity to gain new experience outside of their parish and municipality. Many such international learning trips have been a window to a new world. There were new impressions and great memories that i wanted to do again. After returning, many are looking for new solutions to the challenges they have already encountered, so they form projects with new partners abroad. So Rayt's work is not possible without a great team and supporters. The assistants of the projects and very responsible project ideas are all parish, but the best cooperation in international projects for the development planning department has developed with Gaigalavas primary school, as well as Maltas, Nautrēnu and Viļānu secondary schools.

More on the implementation of projects in Rezekne municipality - Rezekne municipality's website project section (https://rezeknesnovads.lv/iedzivotajiem/projekti).

Prepared by:
Inta Rimšāne
Ministry of External Relations of the municipality of Rezekne

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