Starts signing up for participation in a joint show “Prodexpo 2015”

“Prodexpo 2015”, which will be held on 9-13 February 2015 in Exspoil Center, Moscow, Russia, is announced. Total exhibition area is 100 000 sq. PRODEXPO is the largest professional exhibition in Russia and CIS countries in the food sector. In 2014, the exhibition visited around 2,300 visitors from 64 countries. More information available
The area applied for in the exhibition is 220 m2 for the large combined stands, milk stand -45 m2. By 19 September, we will wait for applications from companies wishing to start an exhibition and be in a single joint stand, to receive co-financing - all traders registered in Latvia, farms, cooperative societies active in the production or marketing of agricultural and food products, except the fisheries sector. The application shall indicate the required area for the deployment of the exhibition. Applicants who have already made a reservation of membership shall be given priority in respect of the place in the joint stand.
IN the LIGHT of the total available area and within the limits thereof, THE PARTICIPANTS shall provide the participants of the exhibition with co-financing OF 50 % for the payment of non-equipped area which does not exceed 18 m2 per participant of the exhibition. If the amount of co-financing indicated in the applications of applicants exceeds the total financing planned for co-financing, a proportional reduction of the determined aid intensity shall be carried out FOR THE LEVAGE.
A paid joint, unified stand (including furniture, product sample storey, info counter, booklet holder, waste container, electrical connection and one electrical socket) and transportation of samples of products to the exhibition are provided to the participants of the joint stand.
The minimum area to be applied shall be at least 10,5 m2. The minimum area shall include the share of the participant's exposure (at least 9 m2) and the shared premises of the joint stand (i.e. the total kitchen with water connection and the site for preparation of products for tasting/product storage/personal property housing/etc.). The extension of the area of this shared space to one bench exponent shall not exceed 1,5 m2.
The price of non-equipped exhibition area per square metre in 2014 was 485,2EUR/m2. In addition, the following exhibition costs are expected to increase by 5% in comparison with last year:
- the registration fee in 2014 was EUR 568,01;
- costs related to the additional equipment required to exhibit products (e.g. refrigerators, refrigerators with 24 h electrical connection, etc.)
- travel costs.
In addition to the aid provided BY THE LVAEI/ZM, each member of the stand may receive financial support (daily money, hotels, economic classes for partial reimbursement of transport costs, etc.). EU co-financed activities under the “business and innovation” sub-activity “external market absorption — external marketing”. The programme is managed by the Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA). You can see the links below. The adoption of the projects takes place until 30 December 2014 (including).
Login for participation in a joint stand:
In order to apply for participation in a joint stand, the applicant shall submit the following documents:
1. The submission of a company – a reservation for the receipt of co-financing for participation in a joint exhibition.
2. a copy of the company registration certificate;
3. the accounting form in accordance with the laws and regulations: the samples and procedures for the accounting and award of deminimis and other limited amounts of aid, or the procedures for the accounting and allocation of deminimis, and the samples of deminimis support accounting forms; the procedures for administering and supervising State aid granted in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No 1535/2007 of 20 December 2007 on the application of Articles 87 and 88 OF THE EC Treaty to the support of deminimis in the agricultural product sector.
With full information regarding the conditions for granting co-financing, the CABINET Regulation No. 112 of 14 February 2012 “Regulations on annual State aid for agriculture and the procedures for granting thereof” may be found in Section I of Annex 5.
The application must be sent by fax No +371 67 55228 9, addressed to Ilona Osyte (26424755) or sent to e-mail by 19 September - the original must be sent by post or submitted personally in Riga, Struktor Street 14, LV-1039.
Andra Water
Public relations manager
International food exhibition project
T. +371 29441 332
F. +371 67552289