Warm Christmas stock in Kaunas

Christmas is a time when every one of us hopes to have a miracle, bringing warmth and peace to the heart. The miracle we find ourselves, for in the darkest time of the year our hearts are burned by a flame of goodness.

For several years between Christmas and the new year, in collaboration with Kaunatas parish administration, the youth centre “sails” organises Christmas charity stock “warm hearts”, during which gifts, visits, and delight parish and repressed persons are held. The sweet gifts, their own hand-made Christmas greetings cards, were also delivered to the social care centre “Malta” and SIA “Vilnius Hospital” where they are being cared for by our parish hearts. This year, because of the precautions, they had to give up from joint villages: young people went to congratulate the lonely hearts alone.

Maybe there's a lonely man near you, too? So little … warm words, smile, help!


Head of the “sails” of the youth centre Tamara Kablanova


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