Sociālais dienests aicina darbā sociālo darbinieku darbam ar ģimenēm ar bērniem


Social Department

The social service of the municipality of Rezekne invites to apply for a vacancy

THE POSITION OF a SOCIAL WORKER WITH CHILDREN IN a Dricānu association (for an indefinite period)

Requirements for the applicant:

• otrā līmeņa profesionālā augstākā vai akadēmiskā izglītība sociālajā darbā vai karitatīvajā sociālajā darbā vai iegūst atbilstošo izglītību;

• vēlama darba pieredze sociālajā darbā ar ģimenēm ar bērniem;

• very good communication and motivation capabilities

• ability to carry out his duties independently and to take decisions within the framework of his competence;

• prasme strādāt komandā un veicināt sadarbību;

• spēja strādāt dinamiskos un mainīgos darba apstākļos;

• excellent knowledge of the national language and knowledge of Russian language at the level of communication;

• labā lietotāja līmenī strādāt ar datoru.

Principal duties:

  • To inform and advise families with children regarding their right to social services and social assistance and the opportunities for their implementation, as well as co-operation obligations in the receipt of social services and social assistance;
  • To accept and register the written and oral submissions of a person, to ensure the examination of applications in accordance with the procedures laid down in regulatory enactments;
  • Assess the social situation of families with children, if necessary, visit the family at the place of residence or location and agree on a social problem which needs to be supported;
  • Carry out risk assessment or multi-stage evaluation in families with children with disabilities;
  • Identify and raise the necessary resources in managing or addressing social cases, taking into account the specificities of social work in various areas of practice;
  • Develop and implement individual social rehabilitation plans, change and complement them according to identified social challenges and needs

Pamatdarba atalgojums EUR  888, 25 pārbaudes laikā, pēc pārbaudes laika EUR 935,00 – saskaņā ar Rēzeknes novada domes lēmumu A līmenim, Darbiniekam – atbilstoši novērtējumam.

Workload - full-time work.

Pretendents līdz 2023. gada 7. novembrim (ieskaitot) aicināts iesniegt:

• a motivated application;

• profesionālo aprakstu (CV);

• izglītību apliecinošo dokumentu kopijas;

• pieteikuma anketu

Applications to be sent electronically to e-mail: or to submit a personal Rezekne municipality in the social service of the local government in the 11 th office (Alley OF Liberation 95A, Rezekne).

Additional information can be requested by phone 20223392 (Sylvia Strankale).

We will contact applicants who meet the requirements and will be included in the second round of the selection.

Candidates for the vacant will be invited to a work interview, during which it will be possible to ascertain the knowledge and experience of labour issues.

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