Do you have an idea? Do you want to develop it and start your business? Want to get new knowledge?

SIA “Latvian Centre for Rural Consultation and Education” (LLCC) Rēzekne Division, within the framework of the national rural network event “Support for the promotion of rural youth entrepreneurship”, organises the interactive programmes “you can take more” lessons in Rezekne, Viļānu, Ludza, Ciblas, Zilupes and Karsava for young people aged 18-30 years.
Young people are offered the opportunity to:
to co-operate with a positive, experience-rich team development coach in defining, developing and directing their ideas;
with the specialist to develop his business plan;
to meet entrepreneurs from different sectors, going to see their work on the spot;
to find out the basic principles of successful marketing how to use them to promote your idea;
interesting and useful to spend time getting new friends and partners.
Participation in the event is free.
Venue of the event: garden street 7a, Rezekne (seminar hall).
People who have participated in training have the opportunity to participate in the business plan/project contest “to be!” and get money prizes! The aim of the competition is to support young people in rural areas to implement their business ideas.
Tender procedure:
• 25 July 2014 - Call for tender;
• August 11-25, 2014 - submission of business plans/projects
• September 11-24, 2014 - round 1 - evaluation of business/project plans at regional evaluation commissions;
• October 1-9, 2014 - noslēgums 1 - Presentation of business/project plans
• October 13-24, 2014 - 2 nd round - evaluation of business/project plans at the evaluation of the event at the Commission;
• 28 October – 10 November 2014 – 2 nd round - evaluation of business/project plans in the expert Commission;
• November 13, 2014 - noslēgums 2 - Presentation of business/project plans.
The tender shall include:
complete the tender application form;
• Business/project plan
• Description of the life and work of the participant in the competition (CV).
Tender applications are to be submitted in both electronic and paper form SIA “Latvian Rural Consultation and Education Centre” in Rezekne department, garden street 7a, Rezekne. Applications must be submitted electronically by e-mail: or
More information and login:
Tel: 29923925 (Dace Gedusheva, Viļānu, rural development consultant)
Tel: 26543286 (Dina Butler, Rural Development consultant of Rezekne)
The information was prepared by
Dace Gedusheva
LLKC Viļānu is led by rural development consultant