Improved road infrastructure in Rezekne municipality

With the aim of promoting the development of the transport infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne, the municipality of Rezekne, at the end of the spring of 2021, or at the beginning of the summer in the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, submitted and received support for the implementation of four local government investment projects “Improving the road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne in Nautrēnu parish association”, “Improving the local road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN THE parish of Dricānu parish”, “Improvement of the municipal road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN THE Kaunatas parish association” and “Improvement of the local road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN the rural AREA OF Maltas parish”.

In mid-summer of 2021, implementation of these projects has been launched through State loans to local governments for reduction and prevention of the consequences of the crisis caused by Covid-19, implementation of projects is planned until October 2022.

In Project “Improving the road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN Nautrēnu parish association” intended for:

  • road No. 4408 “Bērzgale – Chumine – Meirans” (0.913 km), Bērzgales parish (builder SIA “Vaivars”, construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, copyright supervision is performed by the reconstruction OF SIA “BM-project”),
  • motorway No. 6601 “Liuzinyki – Kozlova” (0.408 km), Lendžu parish (builder SIA “Vaivars”, construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, copyright supervision is carried out by the reconstruction OF SIA “BM-project”),
  • Solar streets (0.671 km), Rogovka, Nautrēnu civil parish (builder association “A.K.” (SIA “Vlakon” and SIA “Krustpils”), construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, authors supervision of SIA “BM-project”).

The total amount of the investment project works shall be: EUR 531 551,67, public cash borrowing 85% or EUR 451 818,92 and municipal co-financing 15% or EUR 79 732. 

The total length of the transport infrastructure to be rebuilt within the scope of the project is 1.992 km.

In Project “Improving the road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN Dricānu parish association” intended for:

  • road No. 7803 “Kozori – bypass – M.Garanchi”, (0.974 km), Ozolmuižas civil parish (builder VAS “Latvian road operator”, construction supervisor SIA “RoadLat”, copyright supervision is performed by the reconstruction OF SIA “BM-project”),
  • road No. 7417 “centre road” (0.800 km), Nagles, Nagļu civil parish (builder person association “A.K.” (SIA “Vlakon” and SIA “Krustpils”), construction supervisor SIA “RoadLat”, authority supervision of SIA “BM-project”),
  • road No. 7425 “Zvejelles Road” (2.164 km), Nagļu civil parish (builder VAS “Latvian motorway operator”, construction supervisor SIA “KEM”, authority supervision of SIA “Polyroad”),
  • road No. 7403 “Rebal Road” (0.556 km), in Iceland, Nagļu civil parish (builder association “A.K.” (SIA “Vlakon” and SIA “Krustpils”), construction supervisor SIA “KEM”, copyright supervision is performed by the reconstruction OF SIA “BM-project”),
  • road No. 5030 “Vilnius – Pilcene” (2.692 km) IN Dricānu civil parish (builder association “A.K.” (SIA “Vlakon” and SIA “Krustpils”), construction supervisor SIA “RoadLat”, author supervision is performed by SIA “CoR projects”);
  • road No. 7805 “Spundjans – Drejerovka – Small Garanchi” (0.760 km), Ozolmuižas parish (builder SIA “basic road”, construction supervisor SIA “RoadLat”, copyright supervision is performed by the reconstruction OF SIA “KEM”).

The total amount of the investment project works is: EUR 960 300,45, Treasury borrowing 85% or EUR 816 255.38 and municipal co-financing 15% or EUR 144 045,07.

The total length of the transport infrastructure to be rebuilt within the framework of the project is 7.946 km.

In Project “Improving the road infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN Kaunatas parish association” intended for:

  • road No. 4629 “Čornaja – Black Dukstigal” (0.999 km), Čornajas parish (builder SIA “main road”, construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, copyright supervision is carried out by SIA “CoR projects”);
  • motorway No. 6205 “Vilkakrogs – Jaunstrboda” (4.563 km), Kaunatas civil parish (builder SIA “main road”, construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, authors supervision of SIA “KEM”);
  • motorway No. 6218 “Vecsloboda – Isopole” (3.140 km), Kaunatas parish (builder SIA “main road”, construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, authors supervision of SIA “KEM”).

The total amount of the investment project works is: EUR 470 956,82, public cash borrowing 85% or 400 313,29 and municipal co-financing 15% or EUR 70 643.53.

The total length of the transport infrastructure to be rebuilt/renewed within the framework of the project shall be 8.702 km.

In Project “Improving the railway infrastructure of the municipality of Rezekne IN THE parish association OF Maltas” intended for:

  • Meadows (0.140 km), Stikans, Silmalas civil parish (builder VAS “Latvian road operator”, construction supervisor SIA BaltLine Globe);
  • Pond streets (1.340 km), Stikans, Silmalas civil parish (builder association “A.K.” (SIA “Vlakon” and SIA “Krustpils”), construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, copyright supervision is performed BY the renewal OF SIA “project 3”),
  • Park Street (0.275 km), Malta, Maltas civil parish (builder association “A.K.” (SIA “Vlakon” and SIA “Krustpils”), construction supervisor SIA “BaltLine Globe”, authors the renewal OF SIA “Global Project”.

The total amount of the investment project works is: EUR 237 284,41, public cash borrowing 85% or EUR 201 691,75 and municipal co-financing 15% or EUR 35 592.66.  

Within the framework of the project, the total length of transport infrastructure is 1,755 km. 

In all these projects, all contracts with the parties involved in the implementation of the projects have been concluded at a time, the first construction works have been started already in August, arranging all necessary formalities to be performed with the commencement of construction work, in all roads the construction process must be started no later than at the end of September 2021.


Project Manager Inga Zapane 
Photo: Kristaps Kalva

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