Installed fencing at the Maltese High School Football Area



THE Maltas secondary school football area is an important part of the Rēzekne municipality. It is active in the training process of the children-youth sports school of the municipality of Rezekne and in football. In order to improve quality by organising a variety of football matches, there was a need to install a partial enclosure in the football field gates.

In February 2020, a contract was concluded for the implementation of the project “Construction of fencing Maltas in the secondary school football field”.

The implementation of the project took place in the “implementation of activities of the rural development programme 2014-2020 financed by THE EAFRD in the territory of the Community Partnership Area OF the Rēzekne District Communities in accordance with the community-led local development strategy”. Eligible costs amounted to 14807,23 Euroof which public funding 13326,51 Euro and  co-financing 1480,72  Euro  the child of the municipality of Rezekne, a youth sports school, was provided.

The implementation of the project will result in a partial fence behind football gates that will ensure a more modern, better and safer competition. 


Project manager Arnita Poisha 

More information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is available on the European Commission website:

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