On Sunday, Viļānu will take place on the market against Covid-19

On Sunday, July 11, from 7.00 to 12.00 14.00 Viļānu will take place on the market against Covid-19. Vaccination is carried out without prior notification (live row) and is provided by the Rezekne Hospital in cooperation with the municipality of Rezekne and the National Armed Forces.

The market will be vaccinated with “Johnson & Johnson” subsidiary Janssen, as well as adolescents will be able to receive “Pfizer”/“ BioNTech ”vaccine. Vaccination must be accompanied by a personal identification document (passport or ID card), a grafting passport (if any), while in adolescents 12 to 13 years of age, the presence of a mother or father (or other legal representative) is required, as well as the following documents: the legal representative - passport or identity card, as well as a certifying document regarding the child (entry regarding the child passport or birth certificate, or, if necessary, notarially approved attorney).

The weekend will also perform large-scale vaccination centres and vaccination centres in trade centres, the schedule of their activities and the list of vaccines available to them, found in: here. This table is updated weekly on Mondays to 10.00.  


National Health Service vaccination project division
Inga Vasilieva, inga.vasiljeva@vmnvd.gov.lv, 29276111


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