Verham primary school pupils took part in a health-enhancing excursion to Sigulda



In the 4 th, 8 th and 9 th classes of the Primary School, the ESF project “live healthy in Rezekne municipality”, in collaboration with the Rēzekne municipality's passive government and the Multifunctional Support and Growth Centre “SkalaDar”, participate in a health-enhancing excursion.

During the excursion, the pupils visited health-enhancing objects: the organic farm “Jenkalni”, the adventure park “Tarzans” and the rest site “Arona Mountain and Source”.

In the organic farm “Jenkalni”, pupils participated in the process of making apple chips - the choice of apple, placing, peeling and placing on the tray for drying. The pupils had the opportunity to create their own bush-melon or rabarber soft jelly sweets made from flame blackberries and rabarbers grown in Jenkalns and hermetically packaged. The nutritional specialists told the participants of the excursion about the importance of healthy and balanced nutrition, a change in eating habits. During the lesson, the pupils formed a healthy food plate and played the game “how much energy would they have to eat …?”.

There was also a variety of physical activities under the supervision of a sports specialist, after which the pupils enjoyed delicious and healthy lunch.

In the adventure park “Tarzans”, before removing obstacles, young people presented the importance of this physical activity in promoting health. This physical activity was a major challenge for every member of the excursion - overcome obstacles and fear.

On the way home, the participants of the excursion were offered a delicious dinner at the bistro cafe Sauleskalns.

In the recreational place “Aroma kalns”, the participants of the excursion in the supervision of a sports specialist were fun to exercise in nature. During the course of the lesson, attention was paid to the importance of removing body muscles and how to do it correctly. With enthusiasm, the pupils took a run on Aaron's mountain.

Despite the long journey that started early in the morning, the pupils with enthusiasm and joy took part in all the activities. On behalf of teachers, pupils and their parents, i thank all the organisers of the excursion - the multifortional support and growth centre of the association “SkalaDar” for the project manager Tatjana Mironovai, a sports specialist and a medical worker regarding the work invested in organising and managing educational and health-enhancing excursion.


Verham primary school teacher Ilona Dovidenkova

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