In Vilani, the 19 th century is the most reconstructed museum in the museum of Vilani. Vilanu girl's dress

AT the beginning of 2022, THE National Cultural Capital Fund (CKF) target programme FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSEUMS IN the project contest was also received by the project application of the Vilnius Municipality Research Museum “Extrepreneurship and Exposure enrichment of the Museum of Vilnius in the past for the“ future rod future ””.
The aim of the project is to promote the development of the museum sector, based on the possibilities of using the national museum stock expanded in scientific research results. The project will result in the reconstruction of the Vilnius girl 1830-1840 s. A researcher of the Latvian National Institute of Latvian History, Dr. art, will provide advice on the reconstruction of garments. Ieva Pegozne
“People's suit will be developed as a result of a scientific study based on the description of the witness, the garments and iconographic sources stored in museum collections,” Dr art said. Ieva Pigozne. “It will be the highest-quality craftsmanship, according to the traditions of their time, skills, materials used and manufacturing techniques, in the same way that such suits were made 200 years ago: all parts of the suit will be hand-to-hand! There is no garment of the 19 th century garment in Latvian museums, in which, for example, the fabric of the shirt and apron is woven with hands in the required width and with woven articles, supplemented by lace reconstructions made in the billing technique; there are no brunches that have been embroidered with pearls. Latvian museums also do not have any quality Latgale suite that complies with the chronological principle. '
The historian emphasized: “it will be the first suite of high-quality Latgale peoples that have been created since the end of the 19 th century. Latvian museums do not have any full-length 19 th-century garment that would have been worn by one person at the same time. There are only garments of clothing worn at different times of different people, which have been set up in the 20 th century. This will be the first set that will be based on a full-length description of the witness, in which way the chronological principle of the development of the garments will be observed when the same pieces of clothing worn at the same time are combined in one set. '
The reconstructed outfit will serve as a basis for everyone in the creation of their own countryside, raising the self-awareness of the people of Vilnius. In the framework of the project, a meeting with Ieva Pigozni “clothing” will be In the 30-40 s, the Vilnius municipality.
The total budget of the project is EUR 5765,04, including THE CKF budget funding of EUR 5000,00.
Margarita Skangale
Head of the Vilnius Municipality Research Museum
Visualization author: Laura Pegozne