Increased control of the fish spawning in Razna Lake and video surveillance

In order to increase the control of fish resources at the time of the spring spawning of leasing and other fish, the Nature Protection Board inspectors are working in enhanced mode, while the new video surveillance cameras are also used for more effective control in Razna Lake.
The cameras are purchased at the end of last year, in order to give the regulatory environment inspectors the opportunity to increase the monitoring and protection of fish resources in a more qualitative way, as well as to control the control of the compliance of angling regulations and other regulatory enactments in the water bodies of specially protected areas.
With the support of the fish fund in the project “efficient and modern protection of fish resources in Latgale Razna National Park in Razna Lake and specially protected nature territories in Kurzeme”, the Nature Protection Board established a video surveillance system in Razna Lake, purchasing and installing two rotating IP cameras with video archive writer and night vision security. One thermocamera with video recording features also purchased in Kurzeme.
“Video surveillance system will facilitate the work of the administrative inspectors, allowing at any time and at any location, to be informed of the activities of the Razna Lake, by connecting to the camera online from the computer or mobile phone,” the head of the administration Latgale Regional Administration Anda Zeize.
The video surveillance system is with a high-resolution image magnification function online, with the help of its help 24 hours a day to freeze illegal activity in a lake, make a video record, take control in a timely manner. Lūznavas parish in Zosna and Mākoņkalna parish-mounted cameras enable the entire lake to be browsed. If so far, the camera was working in test mode, when the fish spawning period starts, it will be a working mode. Information signs are displayed in Razna Lake's surroundings to inform the public about the fact that the video is being watched.
The data collected by the camera will be monitored on a daily basis by the Nature Protection Administration in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection. Information on the processing of personal data available on the website of the Nature Protection Administration in the “about us” section, under “Processing of personal data”, or by calling +37167509545 by e-mail:
The project “efficient and modern protection of fish resources in Latgale Razna National Park in Razna Lake and specially protected nature territories in Kurzeme” has been implemented by attracting the 2019 third-order fish fund measure “conservation measures of fish resources by public authorities or local governments competent for the protection of fish resources (except the current expenditure of the relevant institution)” means. Total cost of the project of EUR 14 558,10. The part financed by the Fish Fund – EUR 8957,60 – was co-financed by the Nature Protection Board (5100.50 EURO) and the association “Razna fisherman” (500 EURO), who actively co-operates with the institution to combat fishing in Razna.
More information: Regina Indriķe
Nature Protection Administration Latgale Regional Administrations
Head of the Center for dabas Education
Mob + 371 29139677