Control of fish resources in Razna Lake is becoming more modern

In order to ensure efficient and modern control of fish resources in Razna National Park Razna Lake, as well as Kurzeme, the Nature Protection Board has expanded the range of modern techniques available to inspectors by acquiring several video surveillance cameras and night vision equipment.
At the end of the year, the Nature Protection Board implemented the project “efficient and modern protection of fish resources in Latgale Razna National Park in Razna Lake and in specially protected areas in Kurzeme.” The project has been implemented to improve conservation measures for fish resources in specially protected areas and to ensure effective protection of specially protected species of fish through modern inventory and technologies.
The project is implemented by attracting the resources of the 2019 third-round fish fund measure “conservation measures of fish resources by public authorities or municipalities competent for the protection of fish resources (except for the current expenditure of the institution concerned)”. Total cost of the project of EUR 14 558,10. The part financed by the Fish Fund - EUR 8 957,60, co-financing was provided by the Nature Protection Board (5100.50 EURO) and the association “Razna fisherman” (500 EURO), who actively co-operates with the authority in the fight against fisheries in Razna.
The Nature Protection Board created a video surveillance system in Razna Lake by purchasing and installing two rotating IP cameras with video archive writer and night vision security, and purchased a single thermocamera with video recording features for working in Kurzeme.
“The institution has at its disposal modern equipment to be able to provide protection for specially protected and restricted species of fish and nigs over a long period of time. The use of upgraded equipment in the operational activities of environmental inspectors ensures the achievement of results in the protection of fish resources. The installation of two rotating IP cameras in the Razna Lake allows for a modern and effective control and monitoring system which will be further developed and improved. The Inspectors of the Nature Protection Administration may, at any time of the day, connect remotely to the cameras in order to react operatively in the event of violations. The winners will be fishermen, industrial fishing performers, local residents, as well as active recreational to waters, the part of society who cares the protection of nature and the sustainable preservation of natural resources, as well as natural and clean environment”, says Anda Zeize, Director of the Regional Administration of the Environmental Protection Administration Latgale.
The Nature Protection Board requests not to damage the installed devices and make it known that the 360-degree cameras installed for safety purposes will be observed with additional cameras.
Video surveillance will be performed in accordance with the requirements laid down in the Law on the Protection of Personal Personal Data.
For information:
Razna Lake is a popular fishing destination not only in Razna National Park, but also well known and popular throughout Latvia, attracting stakeholders from abroad. In accordance with Section 15, Paragraph one of the Land Management Law, Lake Razna is IN possession and management of the nature protection administration. In order to ensure the monitoring of specially protected areas, in particular the limited use of specially protected species of protected fish – Coregonus albula, sīgu (Coregonus lavaretus) - mining control and the protection of spawning sites, a very operational presence and action of inspectors are necessary. The video surveillance system, setting up two rotating IP cameras with video archive writer and night vision security, allows you to connect to cameras online from your computer or mobile phone and freeze the situation in the lake remotely, thereby greatly facilitating and improving the work of inspectors and saving the resources significantly (time, fuel, workforce).
The violation of fishing rules is a threat to fish resources, particularly the limited number of species of specially protected species of fish, salmon, salmon (Salmo trutta), salmon (Salmo salar) and river nigs (Lampetra fluviatilis) in Abava, Venta, Irbé and other water bodies. A thermocamera with a video recorder provides evidence that can later be used in an infringement investigation and proving process, as the most often infringement proceedings are terminated due to lack of evidence.