Jaunietes pieredze projektā “ PROTI un DARI!”



Vairāku nedēļu garumā projekta jauniete Valērija Grappa apguva fotogrāfu kursus Ik” “LeonFoto” fotoskolā. Jauniete apguva šādas mācību programmas: Skanogrāfija”  un Fotoglezniecība. Projekta "PROTI UN DARI!" (Nr. individuālās pasākumu programmas rezultātā jauniete ir uzsākusi darbību kā brīvprātīgā  uzņēmumā IK „LeonFoto”, kur ne tikai turpina apgūt pilnīgāk foto kursu programmu, bet arī, iegūst praktisko pieredzi fotogrāfiju veidošanā un apstrādē.

If you are a young age from 15 to 29 years of age, do not work at this time, do not work in a paid job, do not receive a job at a masters and have not been registered in the State Agency of Employment (SEA) as an unemployed person, apply for support in the project “NAMELY and DO!”.
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība uzrunā NEET jauniešus un iesaka piedalīties projektā “PROTI un DARI!”.
Every young person will be supported by programme managers and mentors, representatives of education and youth affairs, representatives of youth associations, employees of various educational institutions, career consultants and representatives of other fields and sectors and specialists. This means that every young man will be able not only to work with interesting and diverse people, but also to take advantage of experience and a valuable knowledge of the future of life. We invite anyone to send this news to young people who can participate in the project, thereby helping them take their first step and change their lives.

If you know someone to whom you KNOW and DO it just in time, share your information! 

To log in to a project or to obtain additional information, press e-mail liga.pelse@rezeknesnovads.lv or calls by phone 26604650.

More information on the project “NAMELY and DO!” can be found here - http://jaunatne.gov.lv/lv/jauniesu-garantija/par-projektu-proti-un-dari

“NAMELY and DO IT!” is the “growth and employment” of the 2014-2020 programming period of the European Union funds “to develop the skills of the NON-registered NEET youth of THE SEA and to promote their involvement in education, THE activities of THE SEA within the framework of the youth guarantee and the activities of non-governmental organisations or youth centres”, which is implemented by the youth international programme agency in cooperation with Latvian municipalities.

Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības projekta koordinatore Līga Pelse

Atskats uz Valērijas Grappas veidotajām fotogrāfijām fotogalerijā.

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