On the 96 th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on professional, fair and creative work in the Rēzekne municipality and for the benefit of the state, the commemoration articles and commemorative notes – the 25 th anniversary of the “Baltic Road” – 44 persons in seven nominations:
In the nomination “public activity”
- Owner of the holiday home “jubite” and sponsor of several sports events OF Bērzgales parish Dainis candle (Bērzgales civil parish)
- Kantinieku parish cultural event organizer and manager Valda Tutina
- Nautrēnu parish history researcher and author of the book “Nautrana Roman Catholic congregation” Andra Zubko-Melne
- Feimaņu Church restoration fund founder and outlet research enthusiastic Sylvia Assare
- Head of the production group “Applied Latgale” Renata Lazdina
- Maltas parish administration estate specialist and Chairman of the board of directors “Mommy Club Maltā” Ineta ants
- Owner of the farm “jasminini” and THE President of the Council of THE 1 TP9T primary school Valdis Stanka
In the nomination “education, science, sports”
- Feimaņu Basic School Director Scene Print
- Sakstagala The Deputy Director of the Qualified Basic School in the field of education Anita Cercene
- Director of the Secondary School of Lucia Ranceans McKashan Gundega Ranāne
- Director of the Adamovo Special Inboarding School Janis Puriņš
- Retired Rikavas primary school teacher Maria Rušmane
- Classroom teacher of primary school primary school Margarita Bondarenko
- Čornajas pre-school educational institution “miracle” teacher Inara Broadsha
- Maltas Director of Special Inboarding School Ivan Bebrish
- Shergana parish head of the pre-school educational institution “bell” Ilze Treikule
In the nomination “work in local government”
- Sakstagala parish administration chief accounting officer Lily Smirnov
- Administrator of the computer systems and computer networks of the State Centre for Information Technology of the municipality of Rezekne Juris Zvīdriņš
- Kaunatas civil parish accountant Inara Graudumniece
- Mākoņkalna parish council Inara Samua
- Municipality of Rezekne municipality Jānis Dauguļs
- Kaunatas parish administration manager Vasily Bashmakov
- Vērēmu parish administration senior accountant Irene Schepovalova
- Griškānu pre-school educational institution cook Domnida Volkova
- Dricānu parish management utility manager Anton Troška
- Nagļu pre-school educational institution cook Long feeling
- Senior Land Affairs Officer of the Regional Development Planning Division of Rezekne Martha Vizule
- Silmalas parish administration accountant Erica Graidāne
- Maltas parish administration cleaning work manager Aldis Barovskis
- Ilzeskalna parish administration accountant - cashier Alita Nichiporchica
- Audriņu parish management utility repair worker Stanislavs Gražuļs
- Rikavas parish administration manager Andrejs Tsarud
In the nomination “work in public administration”
- Head of the Northern Latgale Administration of the Food and Veterinary Service Mark Newcastle
In the nomination “economy, economy”
- Owner of the farm “pakalni” Gunar Anderson (Ozolmuižas civil parish)
- Owner of the farm “pakalni” Arthur Zujs (Pušas civil parish)
- Chairman of the Board of SIA “Sprudzeva M” Pavel Black (Griškānu civil parish)
- Manager of the “grain 2” agricultural cooperative society Clary Shadele (Stoļerovas civil parish)
- Owner of the farm “Junmuiža” Jevenium Lazovska (Ozolaines civil parish)
In the nomination “healthcare, social work”
- Lūznavas parish family doctor Yelena Dinilova
- Silmalas parish feldsher and midwife doctor assistant Maria Surikova
- Kaunatas parish social worker Anita Ikauniece
- Shergana parish social carer Dina Duļbinska
In the nomination “culture”
- Vērēmu parish, head of the People's House Sarmite Strupovich
- Lendžu parish cultural house manager Ligita Meļko