The celebration of the 101 st anniversary of the Republic of Latvia took place on 15 November in Berzgale. The Rēzekne municipality's highest award – the recognition article – was given to 40 residents of Rezekne municipality in six nominations. This award was received by teachers, doctors, local government employees, cultural employees, entrepreneurs, together with Latvian bank collections “anniversary coins”.
In the nomination “public activity”:
- Kaspars Bačkurs, Kaunatas upper secondary school student;
- Anita Skester, Nautrēnu little-regiment driver;
- Marija Jurkova, 1 TP50T parish member OF the People's House of Senior Club.
- Valerijs and Maria Jefremovi, musicians;
- Christine Zuja, 1 TP52T youth association NOVUS Chairman of the board of directors;
- Sylvia Pigožne, head of THE Maltas parish museum.
In the nomination “education, science, sports”:
- Sylvia Freiberga, Sakstagala Jānis KCo.
- Reņa Gailuma, Head of the Gailums, Ilzeskalna pre-school educational institution;
- Ivars Kļaviņš, a newsguard instructor;
- Arnita Poisha, a student of the municipality of Rezekne, a youth sports school specialist;
- Nathalie Melne, the psychologist of the Rēzekne municipality.
In the nomination “economy and economy”:
- Jānis Kravalis, a member of the board of directors OF sia “Maltas apartment utility company”;
- Edgars Nizins, entrepreneur, E. nizina farm owner;
- Renars Vabals, a member of the board of the Municipality SIA “Strūžānu siltums”.
In the nomination “culture”:
- Vineta Āboliņa, The leader of the Vērēmu parish-middle-generation dance collective “Kūzuls”;
- Dzintra Gribuste, Stoļerovas parish head of the house;
- Genovefa Jonāne, head of THE Dricānu parish cultural house;
- Anita Mičule, Nagļu parish leader of the People's House;
- Inara Smirnova, head of the folklore set “Mākoņkalns”;
- Leader of the Guntis Tjarvja, Feimaņu cultural house youth dance collective “Vimyns”;
- Andris Ušpelis, head of the Rēzekne municipality's “Rēzekne county pudnamki” studio.
- Marie Vabale, Gaigalavas parish library manager.
In the nomination “healthcare and social work”:
- Elita Kudravska, the assistant of the medical practitioner of the Oļega Filimonova family;
- Regina Mitrevich, medical assistant of SIA “Ružina Doctorate”;
- Ilga Lizdika, head of the boarding house for the elderly in Rezekne region.
In the nomination “work in local government”:
- Inese Adijāne, Senior Accounting Officer OF THE Nautrēnu parish association;
- Voldemar Deksnis, Lendžu parish head of administration;
- Long Elksne, Ilzeskalna pre-school educational institution cook;
- Anatolijs Krasnonosovs, Čornajas parish management utility manager;
- Theresia Cross, Senior Environmental Specialist of the District Development Planning Unit of Rezekne;
- Eduards Medvedev, head of the Department of Information Technology Unit of the municipality of Rezekne;
- Iveta Ladna, a lawyer of the municipality of Rēzekne, a lawyer of the local government of the municipality of Rēzekne;
- The senior accountant of the municipal finance and accounting department of the municipality of Rasekne, Rēzekne municipality;
- Livija Plavinska, head of THE Nautrēnu parish association;
- Iveta Rutkovska, Senior Accounting Officer OF THE Kaunatas parish association;
- Sandra Sadovsky, co-owner of the Franz Tradog museum “Colnasate”;
- Viktor Šmaukstelis, Land Management Service Land Affairs Specialist;
- Inara Teilāne, Kantinieku parish council;
- Dzidra Troška, Ozolmuižas parish council;
- Vitolds Vabaļs, Audriņu parish manager of the municipality of parish.