In the 95 th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia on professional, fair and creative work in the municipality of Rezekne and for the benefit of the State, with the recognition of the appreciation and commemoration of the time, 49 residents of the municipality of Rezekne are awarded:
In the nomination “Promoting public-process activity”:
- Bērzgales Iu. Anne Roman Catholic priest Andris Jonan
- Registrar of the municipality of Rēzekne, secretary of the Department of Legal and Proceedings of Rēzekne, author and organizer of the idea of “Rezekne” Olga Afanasyeva
- Member of the “Ruth Chamber” Society Genovein Rupaine
- Owners of the family farm “forest edge” Helen and Boļeslav Mundas
- Head of the Rēzekne branch of the State Employment Agency Inara Shindariova
In the nomination “business”:
- Owner of the Z/S “Edgari” Oscar Otikov
- Co-owner OF SIA “Razna” Rita steel
- Z/S “Dreimas” owner Voldemar Dreimanis
- LLCC Rēzekne Rural Development Consultant Anastasia Saleniece
- EVERY “Gunar Krukovsky” Gunārs Krukovskis
- Owner of the Z/s “mountaineers” Janis Anchupan
In the nomination “field of education”:
- Secondary school teacher Tatjana Leonova
- Dricānu High-school physics, household and technology teacher Juris Pivars
- Griškānu Head of the pre-school educational institution Every working day from 7.00 to 18.00.
- Ilzeskalna pre-school education institution assistant Anna Ulyanov
- Nautrēnu Deputy Director-General of Secondary School Ruth Krišāne
- Maltas 2 nd secondary school sports teacher Zigfred Lukasevich
- Sakstagala Job Kind Master School Teacher Anita Doroshchonoka
In the nomination “cultural area”:
- Gaigalavas amateur “optimists” director Ilze Vugule
- Rēzekne District Cordirigent Eric Chudars
- Rēzekne province overhead conductor Anda Lipsk
- Rēzekne municipality head of dance collectors Ilmārs Dreļs
- Rēzekne municipality and Jānis Ivanova Rēzekne music school blower orchestra conductor Roman Ivanov
- Sakstagala parish 1 st Library Manager Ingrida Majāne
- Silmalas parish Library Manager Nadejda Boalshakov
In the nomination “social field”:
- Rezekne is a social worker of the old people, the head of the branch “Pilcene” Olga Pilka
- Ilzeskalna parish social worker Nellie Pujate
- Registrar of the Rēzekne District Court Kaunatas Orphan's Court Elfred Negova
- Member of the Rēzekne District Court OF Gaigalavas Orphan's Court Maria Degle
- Rezekne is taken by the caretaker of the old people. Anna Belugina
In the nomination “provision of local government functions”:
- Čornajas civil parish manager Oļegs Kvitkovsky
- Feimaņu parish administration chief accounting officer Aksana Babovich
- Griškānu parish driver Irene Gjibowska
- Kantinieku parish council Maria Vasilieva
- Kantinieku parish administration manager J nis Pigoznis
- Mākoņkalna parish council Aija Gribuste
- Silmalas parish administration chief accounting officer Lolita Logan
- Shergana parish administration accountant Sylvia Igaune
In the nomination “parish management staff”:
- Main Accounting Officer of the Special Inboarding School Nathalie Semjonova
- Repairer of Tisky Special Inboarding School Grigori Semjonov
- Sakstagala civil engineering engineer Clear Cademy
- Head of the bus board of Shergana parish Anatolijs Kamkovskis
- Lucia Rananes McKashan amatu of Secondary School of Secondary School Ineta Applica
- Overhead of the main part of the Verham primary school Tatjana Krocane
In the nomination “municipality”:
- Minister of Finance, Economy and Accounting Division of the municipality of Rezekne Ingrida Zelch
- Head of the cultural division of the municipality of Rezekne Ināra Pleikšne
- Head of the Department of Legal and Proceedings of the municipality of Rezekne Ilona Turka
- Minister for Youth Affairs of the municipality of Rezekne Guntis Rasim
- Rezekne Municipal Education Administration sports specialist Igor Derjagin
PHOTO from appreciation articles