In anticipation of the 102 nd anniversary of the election of the Republic of Latvia, the highest award of Rezekne municipality – a recognition article on special merit in the development of Rezekne municipality received 15 inhabitants whose professionalism, integrity, creativity and activity are based on the growth and prosperity of Latvia. Due to the epidemiological restrictions laid down in the covid-19 pandemic, the formal event was not organised, the recognition article each received individually.

Recognition article and the silver coins of the Latvian bank collection in the nomination “public activity” received:

Maris Laureckis, Dricānu and Pilcenes Roman Catholic parish

May Hartmane, Minister of Business Contact Points of the municipality of Rezekne - Business Contact Points

Dina Zvejsalniece, owner of z/s “Gunda Z”

Inta Gribuste, Mākoņkalna parish-dance leader

In the nomination “culture”:

Anna Viaver, HEAD of THE Ilzeskalna parish cultural house

Vasilijs Kozlovs, artistic leader of the wicker orchestra “Vicords”

In the nomination “work in local government”

Larisa Vinogradova, Senior lawyer of the municipality of Rezekne

Marie Vasiljeva, Kantinieku and Sakstagala parish council

Regina Baranova, Silmalas parish council

In the nomination “health and social work”

Inta Greivule-fola, Vice-President of the municipality of Rēzekne, municipality of Rēzekne

Maruta Pavļuk, social rehabilitator Rezekne municipality in the old people's homeland

In the nomination “economy and economy”:

Oscars Maculevičs, owner of “KUUP COFFEE”

Velga Krukovsky, producer of the eco-label “VelgaCode”

Nomination “youth work”:

Tamara Kablanova, Kaunatas parish youth centre manager

Nomination “education, science and sport”

Head of Svetlana KCo, Griškānu pre-school educational institution “Sprudzes”

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