In anticipation of the 103 rd anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Latvia, the highest award of the municipality of Rezekne – the recognition article, together with a gift – “personal liberty” of the collection coins issued by the Latvian bank – was presented at a formal event on 17 November AT Viļānu in the cultural house. The award was awarded to 15 citizens – teachers, cultural and social workers, entrepreneurs, parish council employees and other self-prohibited people who have made a significant contribution to the development of Rezekne and the whole of Latvia with their work. For the first time, two special awards were first presented: Inara Oļshevska's family practitioner practice Nautrēnu in the parish on health education and active participation in the promotion of the vaccination process; and Lūznavas for manor collector for a self-conceivable work IN the promotion OF Lūznavas manor as a tourist object and cultural site, as well as awaiting a 5-year anniversary.
Recipients of recognition articles (by nomination)
Veselības care and social work:
- Tatjana Orlova, head of the Dekšare paramedic point, nurse of the Dekšare elementary school (Viļani association, Dekšare parish);
- Ilona Vugula, social worker of the Rezekne municipality (Dricānu association, parish Stružānu);
Economy and economy:
- Inta Silauniece, Vice-Chairman of SIA “Sprudzeva M” (Kaunatas association, Griškānu civil parish);
- League Zvejsalniece, Chief Accounting Officer OF “Viļāni” (Dricānu association, Nagļu civil parish);
- Gunta Silagaile, Head of Postal Post Office (Dricānu association, Stružānu civil parish);
Education, science, sports:
- Tatjana Pujate, Nautrēnu Head of the Pre-school Educational Institution “Crisis” (Nautrēnu association, Nautrēnu civil parish);
- Arija Strupiša, Vilani parish head of the pre-school educational institution “Bitīte” (Viļānu association, parish Viļānu);
- Arnis Romans, shooting instructor (Kaunatas association, Griškānu civil parish);
Public activity:
- Sandra Udre, portal Lakuga.lv editor, self-employed (Maltas association, Ozolaines civil parish);
- Haralds Broks, trial (Kaunatas association, Kaunatas civil parish);
- Anfiza Orlova, Sokolku parish library manager (Viļānu association, Sokolku civil parish);
- Madara Broliša, head of the folklore “Kolnasāta” (Dricānu association, parish Sakstagala);
Work in local government:
- Valerijs Armanis, electrician, repairer (Dricānu association, Gaigalavas civil parish);
- Piotrs Kurmevs, purification plant operator (Maltas association, Silmalas civil parish);
- Janīna Kairiša, 1 TP22T senior club (Kaunatas association, Kaunatas civil parish).
Photo: Eduard Medvedev