Invite traders to apply for trade in Rēzekne Municipality Day 2023



Craftsmen and domestic producers are invited to apply for trade in the festival event of Rezekne. The sale will take place on 22 July 2023 from 14.00 until 23 July 2023 03.00 Anchupan valley, cartodrome.

You are invited to sign in for trade natural or legal persons:

craftsmen, domestic producers, applied art studios of the People's Republic of China;

Eco and Bio producers and traders

catering service providers

free-to-air entertainment service providers for adults and children (children's attractions, horse riding, shooting, etc.)

Login modalities:

• Login until July 10, 2023, submitting a complete submission for participation in public events.

complete submission must be submitted Electronicallywhen sending to e-mail: or in paper (printed) format personīgi Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības telpās 17. kabinetā (Atbrīvošanas aleja 95C, Rēzeknē, tālr. 24864734). Pieņemšanas laiks katru darba dienu plkst. 8.00–16.30

• In the event of trade in Rēzekne District, an individual trade fee is paid and a marketing authorisation is received – marketing authorisations and car passes for the holiday day of Rezekne District will be issued only after the presentation of the payment identification document.

Because of the restricted area, the number of places is limited. Applications will be assessed, preference will be given to amatniekiem and domestic producers of Rezekne.

More information in the by-laws.

Trade administrator: Erika Jermanova
24864734, e-mail

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