The first of three free seminars for emerging and new entrepreneurs



“If you can't write, don't write” or write only if you can't – it's more than 100 years ago, Lev Tolstoy said to a new author who had doubts whether to be a writer. Similarly, in business, if you can't do it without it and the inner engine of all time does not make peace, then it MUST be done.

This was one of the messages that ED IN Eastern Latgale's organized vebinary “do i want to /var up their business?” highlighted the lecturer Dr. Tatjana Bogusvich, a business consultant, a marketing expert, and a businessman with international experience, currently a marketing director at Frankfurt Metropolitan's school.

The online seminar for young and emerging entrepreneurs was also told by Olga Troicina – business Couch, the financial directors “Coca-Cola HBc” and “Unison Trading Logistics”. The owner of the children's YouTube kanāla “Ты можешь все” (“you can all”), as well as the owner of the Jūrmala pizzeria “Delimare”.

This was the first of three vebinary cycles, “how to start and develop your business during a crisis?” Stakeholders are also invited to participate on 22 October from pl. 13.00 to 15.00 in expected vebinary “I want and can start my business – what to do in the digital era?” Write a basic business plan! and vebinary “Not everyone will die, but everyone will change...” My business is, i already have – to develop it in today's circumstances? How to maximise the use of Internet opportunities and tools? 'planned on October 29 from pl. 13.00 to 15.00 Both lectures will be held online at Zoom. For those who are already registered for the first bill of exchange, the link will be sent in e-mail, while the others are invited to register by 20 October, filling in the application form in:

Meanwhile, the first Webinar record can be watched ED in East Latgale YouTube account and On Facebook Page.

Some valuable insights that Lectores spoke about:

  • Whatever business it is, it is important to be aware that it will be an integral part of future life. The businessman “lives” in his business 24/7, also on holidays and vacation. The most important business is responsibility. The first step is to take responsibility for its employees, the decisions taken, the future growth and also the errors. If a person does not have the ability to assume responsibility, it is likely that it is not necessary to establish a company but to continue to be a worker.
  • If someone says “no”, it's just here and now. After 10 minutes, the situation may change – you can change the circumstances, you can offer something else – and the answer can already be “yes”. When you hear “no”, most people turn and leave, but with the right approach and the right offer, almost all people can get “yes”.
  • Business ideas don't need to be unique, but it needs to address a problem or improve the existing product or service, such as your baked bread will be more delicious, your social network will be more interesting or your delivery business will be faster.

Madara Burtina,
ED East Latgale assistant assistant

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