Establishment and development of community-based social service infrastructure in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Viļānu
Projekta apraksts
Project name: | Establishment and development of community-based social service infrastructure in the municipality OF Rēzekne Municipality Viļānu |
Project number: | |
Project objective: | The objective of the project is the establishment and development of a society-based social service infrastructure in the municipality of Rezekne, based on the infrastructure development solutions specified in the Latgale Planning Region deinstitutionalisation plan (2017-2020). |
Project implementation time: | 45 months: 01.04.2020. -31.12 .2023. |
Financing: | Projekta kopējais budžets ir 2 555 201,09 EUR, no tām attiecināmās izmaksas 1 559 458, 22 EUR, ERAF finansējums 706 599,42 EUR, valsts budžeta dotācija 31 778, 52 EUR, valsts budžets 152 488,63 EUR, pašvaldības finansējums 668 591,65 EUR, un neattiecināmās izmaksas 995 742,87 EUR. |
Main project activities: | As a result of the implementation of the project, a society-based social service provision infrastructure will be established for the target group - persons with mental disorders, where two new buildings will be built and the following services to the target group are provided: 1) the creation of a group apartment house for persons with mental disorders – in Liep Street 2B, Viļāni, Rezekne nov., a one-storey apartment house (16 places), construction of construction works and fitting of premises with a material-technical basis according to the needs of the target group will be built; 2) the creation of a day care centre (13 places) and specialised workshops (10 places) for persons with mental disorders - a flame street 2B, Viļāni, Rezekne nov., a one-storey building will be newly built, the construction of construction works and the fitting of premises with a material-technical basis according to the needs of the target group will be carried out. |
Contact person: | Projektu vadītāja Brigita Arbidāne, |
The content of this publication is fully the responsibility of the municipality of Rēzekne and is in no circumstances considered to be the official position of the European Union. |