Ismeru - Fish resources propagated in the Lake of Zogota

The “Kaunatas parish administration” unit of the municipality of Rezekne has implemented the project “Propagation of fish resources in Ismera – Zogota lakes”. The objective of the project is to increase the fish resources in the Ismera - Zogota lake.
Čornajas parish is the fifth largest parish of Rezekne municipality. The parish is located 14 lakes, one of the largest is Ismer – Zogotu lake (147 ha). At the time of the implementation of the project, 14600 zandars juveniles were placed in the Lake of Zogota, which contributes to the preservation of the natural values (i.e. fish) in the Lake of Zogota and their useful management.
As a result of the implementation of the municipal administration project OF the municipality OF Rezekne, the direct beneficiaries will be all Čornajas parish 1195 residents, including fishermen who have purchased permits for fishing, local entrepreneurs who provide tourism and recreational services. Indirect winners – both the 27 500 residents of Rezekne and tourists and holidaymakers who will use the opportunity offered to look and rest at the Ismera – Zogota lake.
In order to strengthen fisheries control and combat potential side fisheries in the Ismera, the protection of fish stocks is intended to involve local populations interested in the conservation and propagation of fish stocks.
The total cost of the project is EUR 3942,00, from which the financing of the Latvian Fish Fund is eur 3542,00, the financing of the “Kaunatas parish administration” unit of the municipality of Rezekne – EUR 200,00, another financing – 200,00 EURO.
More detailed information on the project can be obtained from the “Kaunatas parish board” of the municipality of Rezekne, Head of Unit “Čornajas parish administration”, Oļega Kvitkovska, tel. 26136507.
July Gravesule