Evaluated candidates for “Rēzekne municipality” 2017 ″ Applicants

For the sixth year, the municipality of Rezekne conducts the competition “Rēzekne District Company”. 23 bidders in eight nominations were submitted for the competition this year: “annual enterprise”, “annual innovative product/service implementer”, “annual company - local identity product”, “annual new company”, “annual tourism service provider”, “annual household producer”, “annual artisanal”, “annual family business”. Three bidders refused to participate in the competition, while three bidders - associations - were excluded from the evaluation as non-compliant with the tender rules, thus the Commission assessed 17 applicants.
This year, the most successful bidders, as usual, had been nominated in the nomination “annual company”, as well as in the nomination “annual family business”, which was introduced for only a second year.
At the end of the year, the Commission visits the bidders to assess the activities of companies, the attraction of investments, the creation of new jobs, the quality, originality, environmental protection and other aspects of the products or services produced. The Commission's work on the evaluation of the competition was chaired by the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic Development Affairs of the municipality of Rezekne, Staņislavs Skesters. The Executive Director of the Rēzekne municipality, Janis Troška, Head of the Development Planning Unit Anna Jaudzema, Deputy Director of the Rēzekne Technology Academy, Iveta Mietule, Member of Rēzekne District Council, Friedis Zenchenko, Audriņu parish management head Einars Aleksandrs Bindemanis and Feimaņu parish council Anita Verčinska is also active in the evaluation. The evaluation of the Commission's work was co-ordinated and recorded by THE Senior Advisor of the municipality of Rezekne, Dina Butler.
As usual, the winners' names will be revealed only on March 19, 2018, on the day of Joseph, when the Latgale Embassy “GORS” will take place in “Rēzekne Municipality Day” and a solemn award ceremony. We will then be able to get acquainted with the companies that are bidded in the competition.
Dainas Butleres
Annas Rananes and Diana Selecka photo
Candidates nominated for the “Rezekne municipality 2017” competition:
Introduction of innovative products/services of the year
Annual company - District VIP (product of local identity)