The most successful businessmen of Rezekne municipality

For the third year on 19 March, Joseph's Day, which is the only day of the time, when the Christian traditions are allowed to move to unsorrow, the municipality of Rēzekne conducts a “business day”. This time, the most powerful and susceptible people were invited together in Berzgale's cultural house. The participants and winners of the “Rezekne municipality” competition were also performed during the event. It should be noted that the competition started already in the summer of 2013, when the Consultative Council of the population was invited to submit candidates – entrepreneurs who are active in the territory of Rezekne municipality, promoting the development of the business environment, employment, as well as attractiveness and visibility of the production areas.

In total, 39 applicants were nominated in nine nominations. In order to assess the compliance of entrepreneurs with the tender criteria, in autumn, entrepreneurs in their workplaces were attended by a competition evaluation commission in the seven-person composition, which then, carefully evaluated, determined the most successful entrepreneurs of that year.


“Year's New Company”: ZS “Berzubirze” (Nautrene parish, owner Evita Skester). Garlic is grown on the farm. While entrepreneurship is started by investing in its own funds, the economy is currently being developed through the absorption of European Union Structural Funds.

For the nomination, “the new company” was also raised:

  • ZS “shields” (Chornajas parish, īp.) Guntis Kapamer),
  • ZS “budpuri” (Dricana parish, īp.) Arthur Erins),
  • ZS “Edgari” (Feimau parish, Short. Oscar Otikov),
  • ZS “Purems” (Feimau parish, īp. Vitalijs Poplavskis),
  • ZS “Jubites” (Lendzu parish, Short. Aigars Schulberg,
  • ZS “Morani” (Rikavas parish, īp. Daina Potch,
  • ZS “New Jaunliepu” (Rikavas parish, īp. Lauris Jtumems),
  • SIA “Tutinelli” (Signagala parish, īp.) Sandis Tutin,
  • ZS “Ieva” (Silmalas parish, Short. Robert Ruth.

“Annual tourism service provider”: SIA “Razna Bay” (Chornajas parish, īp.) Edgar Teivan. The range of services offered by the company is diverse, so tourists can choose both a peaceful holiday in the guest house and a sporting and active leisure at the beach. In order to improve the well-being of visitors, construction and improvement works are ongoing in the Razna Bay.

The nomination “annual tourism service provider” was also raised:

  • Mini Zoo “Rozīte” (Audrinu parish, īp. Larisa Smith),
  • “Ezerland” holiday house “Lake sonata” (Berzgales parish, īp. Stanislava Igaune
  • SIA “Dana” (Makokalna parish, īp.) Richard Gaidis,
  • The Horse of Equidae (Ozolmuiža parish, Short. Ligita Harchevsky.

“Annual domestic producer”: Ivo Sutin. Ivo Sutin is active in the production of beekeeping products. The beekeeper collects organic farming methods, so that his output is high and environmentally clean.

“Annual craftsman”: Maria Toba. Maria Tusha deals with her work. A particularly well-known amateur is the weaving and sewing of peoples, as well as the making of blankets and tablecloths.

  • The nomination “annual craftsman” was also raised:
  • Konstantin Bindju of the parish of Berzgales,
  • ceramic Anatoly Vituskin from the parish of Griškans,
  • ceramic, ZS “podiers” owner Peter Gailums from Ilzeskalna civil parish,
  • The owners of the farm “forest edge” Helen and Boļeslavs Mundas are parish.

“Innovative product implementer”: EVERY “cowls Ecofarm” (Dricana parish, īp.) Yuri Pleanov. “Ecofarm” is active in the production of wine-growing. 34 tons of vineyards were sold last year. In the future, the owner intends to attract European Union funding and start construction of a recycling shop. 5 to 10 jobs could be provided in the shop.

For nomination “public activity” it was raised and grateful for the participation in the competition was received by THE owner of ZS “Leimaņi” Veneranda from Nagu civil parish. Vveneranda is actively supporting cultural events and often sponsoring them. It has been organized by Nagu village ensemble, which revels long-forgotten songs. As a poet published in Almanac “Rezekne”.

Nomination “Year's greatest employer 2013” the applicants were nominated according to the State Revenue Service, which is the company that employed the most permanent staff in the previous year or created the most number of new jobs.

“Year's biggest employer 2013”: SIA “roads and bridges” (Chairman of the Board Evalds Chadars). The company has 50 years of work experience. Basic occupation: repair, reconstruction or re-construction of roads and streets. The company also builds and restores non-traditional objects, including Latgale Mars “united Latvia” monument in Rezekne and Spruuktu hydroelectric power station on the Rēzekne River. Operating area - Latgale.

The nomination “the highest employer of the year 2013” was also raised:

  • RSEZ SIA “Verems”,
  • “Inteco Wood” LTD.

“company — VIP” (product of local identity) “: SIA“ LATPOWER ”(Makoņkalna parish, īp. Ilgonis Uptis. The company acquires the sapropel. Further, the sapropel is recycled to be used for agriculture and cosmetics. The product is offered both in Latvia and outside Latvia.

For the nomination, “company — the VIP (product of local identity)” was also raised:

  • SIA Balt Harmonia (Gaigalava parish, īp.) Rasma Igaune.

“Annual company”: SIA “LMKO” (foam parish, īp.) Maria and Andris Runtovski. 150 ha of land is managed on the farm. Basic occupation: agriculture and dairy farming. Owners are members of Latvian fruit growers' association and two cooperatives. Five projects have been carried out on the farm, a major contribution to the development and modernisation of production.

The nomination “annual company” also had:

  • Treikuļu family companies (Dricana parish, īp.) Skaidrite Treikule),
  • SIA “UNIK” (Griškana parish, īp.) Ludmila Kitova),
  • Dainis Grudriks,
  • ZS “forest Grumuži” (Luznava parish, Short. Arthur Tobs),
  • ZS “inventories” (Nagu parish, Short. Aigars Stikans),
  • SIA “Skadeu” (Nagu parish, īp.) Scene Reese),
  • ZS “leys” (Nautre parish, Short. Arnis Jurjs),
  • PS “turkeys” (Silmalas parish, īp.) Mara Shilova),
  • SIA “Silent warmth” (Shergana parish).

In meeting the businessmen and speaking to the present, the President OF the Rēzekne District Council, Monvīds Švarcs, welcomed the young people who added to the peasants and businessmen: “we can see a lot of new generations in the hall. This is a succession that persuades that the work in Rēzekne municipality will also be respected in the future. A son will be next to his father, his grandparents are going to be a grandchildren in summer. It is a pleasure that young people come with unprecedented ideas and a new vision that helps to develop." M. Schwartz also thanked the attendants for the social responsibility that businessmen are working with: “Thank you for being in parish life, come with your ideas at parish managers, as well as support the activities of schools and parish cultural houses. To make the work more prosperous for themselves, for their parish, for the municipality and for the whole country! '

As acknowledged by the laureate in the nomination “the new company of the year” – the owner of ZS “Berzubirze” Evita Skester from the parish of Nautrenes – such awards help to operate and also make it harder at a time, because knowing that entrepreneurs in Rezekne municipality have been assessed and supported. As the tradition continues, the competition will also be organised next year, so in summer the municipality of Rezekne will call on the local government to apply for applicants who, with their contribution to the promotion of development and the provision of jobs, deserve the title “Rezekne District Company 2014”.

Madara Laksa,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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