For the first time in Latvia - lead contest “cheese sweet cake”

In order to promote the preservation of local culinary heritage and to promote the use of cheese produced in Latvia in the preparation of confectionery products, the association “cheese club” invites culinars from all regions of Latvia, all who enjoy cept cakes, to tender “cheese sweet cake”. One of the four stages of the competition will be held in Latgale, the Aglona municipality's rural home “Upenite”, on 28 June 2014. The cakes will be evaluated both after the originality of the recipe, the design and, of course, the taste. The winners will receive diplomas and gift cards. The competition “cheese sweet cake” is organised in collaboration with Skrunda, Smiltenes, Aglona, Auces municipality councils and Latvian dairy companies. Read more about the competition in its rules.