Rezekne Municipality participates in the project “WE – part of society, WE – part of the future”


For young people

In February and March of that year, the association “is vasals” with the support of the British Council representative in Latvia is implementing the project “WE – part of the society, WE – part of the future”. The aim of the project is to involve young people in Rezekne in activities aimed at raising society and promoting civic participation. In the framework of the project, workshops are organised where young people have the opportunity to express their views, show the initiative and participate.

In workshops young people:

• engage in the work of groups and couples;

• improve communication skills;

• learning to accept diversity and diverse opinions;

• aware of the abilities of each individual, its parish and the objectives and needs of the Community.

To date, the activities of the project have been implemented in two parishes of Rezekne Municipality – in Sherjans, where young people were surprised by the fire and interest in learning, doing and co-operating, as well as in Nautrens, where young people discussed the future of the future, its needs and possibilities. Young people still have the opportunity to apply for workshops on 14 March at 14.00 Kaunatas at the youth centre “sails”, calling 26371624 (Tamara), as well as 28 March at 15.30 Maltas parish in the centre of children and young people, calling 28319076 (Inta).

As part of the project activities, young people have the opportunity to answer the question: “what is the modern youth?” Each team offers its characterisation and vision, participates in discussions on the broad opportunities of young people and the importance of participation in public life. The participants are also educated on the initiative for project competitions as an excellent tool for implementing the ideas and needs of young people, as young people can help strengthen the Community and improve the quality of their lives by taking independent choices and attracting local resources.

At the end of the project, young people will meet IN the Forum Viļānos to discuss their living environment and the opportunities to improve it on their own. Their ideas and recommendations will be collected and transferred to the municipalities of the municipality of Rezekne and to the youth workers.

The main activities of the project are led by a career consultant Nadežda Trusele and Christine rimša, who co-ordinate their career education in the educational institutions of Rezekne. The project “WE – part of the society, WE – part of the future” is implemented by the association “being vasals” in collaboration with British Council representation in Latvia.

The article was prepared by the association “be a vasal”
Other information:
League Spring
Project manager of the association “esi vasals”
Tel. +371 29121139

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