Seminar on topical issues in land management

SIA “Latvian Centre for Rural Consultation and Education”, in cooperation with Mākoņkalna parish administration, organizes a seminar on topical issues.
Information on direct payments will be provided to the population, for the sub-measures of the rural development programme “Support for young farmers to start business” and “support for business start-ups through the development of small farms”. The Nature Protection Board will provide an insight into natural census and the possibilities for receiving compensation, such as migratory birds.
Time of the seminar: 30 April, at 10.00
Venue of the seminar: Liga Street – 1, Lipuški, Mākoņkalna parish.
Details of the seminar calling or writing SIA LLKC for rural development consultant Anastasia Saleniece, mob. 25645875, e-mail:
Sanita Gedusheva,
SIA LLKC Rēzekne Consultation Office
Rural development consultant
Mob. t. 26524227