Project of the establishment of social services infrastructure approaching the end



As of February 2020, THE ERDF project of the municipality of Rezekne IS being “Establishment and development of a society-based social service infrastructure in Rezekne municipality”. 

The aim of the project is to establish a society-based social service provision infrastructure for adult persons with mental disorders and children with functional disorders in the territory of Rezekne municipality, based on the infrastructure development solutions specified in the Latgale Planning Region deinstitutionalisation plan (2017-2020).

As a result of the implementation of the project, two social service locations will be established in the territory of the municipality, performing the following activities:

1) the creation of a group apartment house for persons with mental disorders IN Dricānu parish Pilcene - the conversion of a one-storey administrative building into a group apartment house (8 places), construction of construction works and fitting of premises with material technical provision will be performed;

2) Establishment OF a multifunctional social service centre “Vecružina” IN Silmalas parish Vecružin - construction works of the building environment shall be performed in the right wing of the building of the building of the building Those children's house in three floors, the construction of construction works and the fitting of premises with material provision for the establishment of a social rehabilitation service centre for children with functional disorders, “breathlessness” service in children with functional disorders (6 places) and a day care centre for children with functional disorders (10 places).

The total budget of the project is 597 936,00 EURO eligible costs, of which ERDF funding is 508 245.60 EURO, State budget grant - 26 907,12 EURO, municipal co-financing - 62 783.28 EURO.

Construction works have been completed in Pilcene, where the local building firm SIA “Rezekne Construction Service” was rebuilt by the local construction firm SIA “Rēzekne Construction Service” in the territory of the municipality of Rezekne.  

In Vecružin, the three-storey building was adapted to provide social services to children with functional disorders.

2022.gada rudenī tika iegādāta sadzīves tehnika un elektropreces no SIA “Akina” un vēl līdz gada beigām SIA “Sentios” veiks mēbeļu piegādi Pilcenē un Vecružinā, lai abas sociālo pakalpojumu sniegšanas vietas varētu uzsākt pilnvērtīgu darbību.


Project manager in the municipality of Rezekne:

Brigita Arbidane, 64607185,

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