
Economic activity

Mostly IN Sokolku parish registered animal husbandry, grain and mixed holdings: SIA “beta AB”, ZS “lemons”, ZS “Bowis”, ZS “maples”, ZS “Liga”, SIA “per Frandsen”, ZS “roses”, ZS “creeks”, ZS “Tumuski”.

Co-operative society “SOKOLKI 2”

  • Mixed farming
  • Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities
  • Manufacture of food products
  • Forestry and logging

Works by associations

Belarusian society “Sjabri”

  • combines Belarusians living in the Latvian epublics Viļānu and the Belarusians living in its surroundings with a view to promoting the preservation of Belarusian language, the national traditions of Belarusian people and the preservation of culture as well as development
  • In the framework of the law of the Republic of Latvia, Latvia maintains its ethnic identity, actively participating in building civil society in Latvia
  • organising conferences, Belarusian folklore ensembles, festivals and other events aimed at promoting Belarusian culture, development of good neighbourly relations

Association “odzina”

  • combine citizens and their families with education, public activity, public benefit and self-awareness
  • promoting healthy lifestyles
  • promote the opportunities for cooperation between different types of organisations;
  • promote the growth of members' members in education;
  • promote rural population in the area of rural development

Hunter club avant-garde

  • organisation of hunting and related activities for members of the club
  • raising and educating hunters in matters such as training of young hunters and training of hunting managers
  • hunting and related ancillary activities and other sports activities
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