Place of residence

Declaration of a place of residence

ResponsibleJuridiskā un lietvedības nodaļa vai apvienības pārvalde
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionPersonas pienākums ir dzīvesvietas maiņas gadījumā viena mēneša laikā, kopš tā pastāvīgi dzīvo jaunajā dzīvesvietā, deklarēt to dzīvesvietas deklarēšanas iestādē vai bez maksas elektroniski portālā Ja jaunā dzīvesvieta ir Rēzeknes novada teritorijā, to var deklarēt jebkurā Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības apvienības pārvalde vai Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības centrālā pārvalde. Nepilngadīgam bērnam un personai ar ierobežotu rīcībspēju dzīvesvietu deklarē persona, kura saskaņā ar likumu vai bāriņtiesas lēmumu ir attiecīgās personas aizbildnis vai aizgādnis.

The purpose of the Law on the declaration of residence is to ensure that the person is achievable in the legal relationship with the State and the local government. In accordance with the Code of Administrative Violations of Latvia regarding non-declaration of residence, a person shall issue a warning or impose a fine, while the provision of false information, declaring the place of residence, shall be subject to a fine by the person. When declaring residence, the information regarding the person's previous address of residence in the register of residents will automatically be replaced by the information regarding the new address of residence. Consequently, a person does not have to address the relevant institution in order to annul the information regarding his or her previous declared address of residence in Latvia.

Identification of the person's place of residence

ResponsibleJuridiskā un lietvedības nodaļa vai apvienības pārvalde
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionPreparation and service of the certificate to the applicant:
1) regarding the current declared or registered place of residence (address) of a person in the administrative territory of the municipality of Rezekne;
2) regarding the last declared or registered place of residence (address) of a deceased person in the administrative territory of the municipality of Rezekne.

Izziņu iespējams saņemt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības centrālā pārvaldē vai jebkurā Rēzeknes novada apvienības pārvaldē neatkarīgi no dzīvesvietas atrašanās vietas Rēzeknes novada administratīvajā teritorijā.

Cancellation of the information of the person declared in the person

ResponsibleApvienības pārvaldes
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionOn the basis of a person's submission, the legality of the information of the person's residence shall be evaluated. The declared place of residence shall be cancelled in 2 cases:
1) the declarant of the place of residence or his or her legal representative, or the person authorised by the declarant of the place of residence or his or her legal representative, declaring the place of residence, has provided false information;
2) the person concerned has no legal basis for living in the declared place of residence.
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