Maximum sentence length exceeded.
Target group: children and parents of pre-school age
Telephone: 26568956
an educatee, a scientist, a creative, cheerful child who lives healthy, safe and active, works independently in the world, grows at the patriot of his country. Educational institutions – a contemporary institution that facilitates the comprehensive development of the child, a positive sense of self-sufficiency and a foundations for the quality of further education.
an educatee, a scientist, a creative, cheerful child who lives healthy, safe and active, works independently in the world, grows at the patriot of his country. Educational institutions Maximum sentence length exceeded. a healthy, curious, cheerful child.
vispārējā pirmsskolas izglītības programma, programmas kods 01011111.
Speciālā pirmsskolas izglītības programma izglītojamiem ar jauktiem attīstības traucējumiem, programmas kods 0101 56 11.
Iestādes darba laiks 7.20-18.00
Place of realization of pre-school education programmes in Nagļi civil parish
Working time from 8.00-17.00
Language of instruction: Latvian