Maltas music school

Address: School street 5A, Malta, Maltas civil parish, Rezekne municipality, LV-4630



Skolas direktors: Normunds Schtekel

Phone: 26582296


Maltas music school exists from 1991. The purpose of the school activity is to create an educational environment, organise and implement education, which ensures the achievement of the objectives specified in the vocational orientation music education programmes.

Skolā strādā 8 pedagogi 7 akreditētās un licencētās profesionālās ievirzes izglītības programmās:

  • “Keypad game” — piano game (20V 212 01 1);
  • “Keypad game” – acordeone game (20V 212 01 1);
  • “String instrument game” — violet game (20V 212 02 1);
  • “String instrument game” — guitar game (20V 212 02 1);
  • “Pūšaminstrumentu” (flautas, klarnetes, saksofona) spēle (20V 212 03 1).

Maltas music school students are actively participating in the events organised by the school. Each school year, training programmes shall be organized in each speciality for the improvement of the performance of the performance technique. Children participate in all major public holidays in parish, competitions in the municipality and in the Republic.

Mūzikas skolā mācības apgūst bērni gan no Maltas, Feimaņu, Kaunatas, Čornajas, Mākoņkalna, Pušas, Tiskādu, Lūznavas un Silmalas pagastiem. 2023./24. mācību gadā skolēnu skaits skolā ir 69 izglītojamie

Every year, a trip concert to the surrounding parish is organized to promote professional musical education, as well as to introduce older, sophisticated members with the achievements of school students in the mainstream specialties.

On September 1, 2015, THE Maltas music school started training in new, rebuilt, well-equipped spaces. In the framework of the project “Maltas 1 st secondary school and Maltas 2 nd secondary school building and the reconstruction of the total infrastructure”, the simplified reconstruction of THE second body of THE SECONDARY school of Maltas was carried out and the construction of the first body reconstructed in which THE Maltas music school is now located. In order to get to a music school, Maltas secondary school students don't need to measure the way through village streets. The school can now go through all the hallways connecting the body. This allows students to devote more time to musicisation. The overall Maltas school infrastructure has also contributed to cooperation between the two educational institutions.

As of January 2015, the municipality of Rezekne has decided that training AT Maltas music school is without parental co-financing, which has increased both the number of students and competition among educators. The musical instruments are free for pupils and the school seeks to improve the school's material base every year with new musical instruments and learning materials. It should be hoped that healthy competition will contribute to the growth of learning outcomes and promote the development of new talent!

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