Sakstagala Job Qualified Basic School

History of the school:
THE Sakstagala school was formed in 1895. In the first year, the school was active in Franz Tradog's house “Colnasate”, but from 1896 he settled in the Ciukoru pub building in 1801. By 1920, the training took place in Russian, from 1920 in Latvian, but from 1944 in both Latvian and Russian. During the First World War, the school's work was interrupted. In the twentieth and thirtieth years, the school was converted into a 6-year-old school and spent 120-150 pupils. In 1934, a People's House was built on the school building. During the Second World kara, the school's work was limited. In the first half of the fifties, a school building was built: school boarding and classroom. The new school building was built in 1962-1964. The work on the new school curricula began on 25 January 1964. In 1999, the school participated in the competition announced in the “World Bank” competition for the renovation of educational institutions and the promotion of electric efficiency. The school won a new form in the summer of 2001. From 2009/2010, the school was awarded the name of the former student of the school, the brilliant writer John Klīdzēja. In 2013, a “boss room” was installed at the school, which reflects the activities of the school in relation to THE “child of a man” in which students and their parents are involved.
No 2016. g. līdz 2018. g. 28.10. skola piedalījās SAM 4.2.2. pašvaldības ēku energoefektivitātes projektā “Sakstagala Jāņa Klīdzēja pamatskolas ēkas energoefektivitātes uzlabošana”, kura rezultātā skolā tika veikti siltināšanas darbi, veco logu nomaiņa, apkures sistēmas rekonstrukcija un fasādes krāsošana. Skola ieguva jaunu veidolu.
Description of the school environment:
The school is a training institution established by the municipality of Rezekne. Schools implement 3 educational programmes:
- Basic education programme (code 21011111),
- Special basic education programme for students with learning disabilities (code 21015611).
School special offers:
- The school from 2009 is the name of a writer, a former student of our school, John Katz; a “boss room” - exhibitions, materials that reflect our activities in the human-child programme;
- The school successfully integrates Russian-language children in their environment (2/3 pupils' families at home in Russian) - both Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Latvian children are in school, children of ethnic minorities are successful in Latvian classes.
- The school has a special collaboration with museums: Fr. Tradog “Colnasate”, Kantinieku museum, Museum of Rezekne Culture and History
- School has its own website –
- School successfully uses his school teachers' experience and hobbies in school learning and education, forming a school image
- School is a branch of the Rēzekne Art and Design School
- School uses “school bus” activities (to and from school pupils take 3 parish buses)
- Logoped, special pedagogical services available at school
- Teachers have established an active recreational and sports association “azote”/lead teacher Evita Kubecka /
- The school successfully utilises the funds earned in projects for improvement of the environment and replenishment of the material base
- The school has a wide range of interest education programmes
- Class 2 students are visited once a week in the basin classes
- School engages in municipality, national and international projects
- The school has a computer class
- School realizes the “human child” programme of their pupils and parents
- School-built playground and outdoor training area
- Is an outdoor “green class”
- Annual creative competitions for pupils' parents
- School is participating in “School Milk” and “School Fruit”
- School holidays and new leaders camps take place in the summer
- School repair and training for own staff, teachers, parental forces
- Experience and activity LR LOK “sport all class” project