The celebrations of Rezekne municipality were given on the eve of the public holidays.

In the municipality of Rezekne, the Latvian Republic has become a tradition of proclamation of the Republic of Latvia with the highest award – the recognition article – to celebrate the most active, professional, creative and honest people. The recognition articles, together with a gift – a collection of collection coins issued by the Latvian bank – were presented at a formal event on 17 November AT Bērzgales parish cultural house.

Recipients of recognition articles (by nomination):

Health and social work:

  • Nathalie Plateau, Social service associate of Rezekne, working in families with children (Social service of the municipality of Rezekne).
  • Yelena Dinilova,  family doctor Rēzekne municipality in parish Lūznavas (Maltas association, parish Lūznavas).

Economy and economy:

  • Zigred Gailume, veterinarian (Dricānu association, parish Dricānu).

Education, science, sports:

  • Peteris Tretuks, Viļānu High School Director  (Viļānu association, city OF Viļānu).
  • Vita Martinova, Maltas High-school primary school, Latvian language teacher and logopede (Maltas association, parish Maltas).
  • Svetlana Mikanova, Educational Methodsman, Teacher in Rezekne Technical School, organiser of sports events and youth affairs specialist in Luznava (Maltas association, parish Lūznavas).
  • Ilze Valeniece, Director of the Principal School of Decissaries p.i. (Viļānu association, parish Dekšāres).

Public activity:

  • Yekaterina Itkača, Head of the leisure centre “hive” (Kaunatas association, parish Mākoņkalna).
  • Rinald Brock,  Litigation, National Guard 3. Latgale Brigades chaplain (Maltas association, parish Maltas).
  • Gunar Anderson, Owner of the Z/S “pakalni” (Dricānu association, parish Ozolmuižas).
  • Dina Dreimane-Kesbere and Gints Kezber, Z/S “Dreyouts”, owners of the store “SALA” (Dricānu association, parish Nagļu).
  • Clear Bruzgule, pensioner, self-employed (Viļānu association, parish Dekšāres).
  • Rinalds Stankevics, litigation (Viļānu association, City OF Viļānu).


  • The deceased young people. Participants: Eddie Strushel, Ainars Kiserovskis, Martin Bondars, Raimonds Ubagovskis. Driver Agnija Romanovska (Viļānu association, parish Dekšāres)

Work in local government:

  • Juris Skruļs, Bērzgales primary school UNIT of Nautrēnu secondary school unit (Nautrēnu association, parish Bērzgales).
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